
Motnje hranjenja in doživljanje odnosa med očetom in hčerko : magistrsko delo
ID Matko, Eva (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Hranjenje je osnovna potreba vsakega živega bitja. Kadar hrana postane sredstvo za reševanje čustvenih stisk, govorimo o motnjah hranjenja. Motnje hranjenja uvrščamo med duševne motnje, saj njihovi vzroki izhajajo iz čustvenih stisk posameznikov, čeprav se navzven kažejo s telesnimi znaki. Vzroki, ki vplivajo na nastanek motenj hranjenja so številni. Le redko se zgodi, da gre pri motnjah hranjenja za samo en pomemben razlog. V največ primerih gre za kombinacijo večjega števila dejavnikov, med katere spadajo tudi družinski dejavniki in odnos med očetom in hčerko. V prvem dele magistrskega dela smo opisali vrste motenj hranjenja. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje pogledali vzroke za nastanek motenj hranjenja. Osredotočili smo se tudi na posledice omenjenih motenj. Osrednja in hkrati najpomembnejša tema magistrskega dela so družina in družinski sistem ter interakcije, ki se dogajajo med družinskimi člani in vplivajo na nastanek motenj hranjenja ter na doživljanje, ki je prisotno pri hčerkah. Na pregleden in strukturiran način smo opisali vlogo družine, zlasti vlogo očeta pri razvoju motenj hranjenja in vlogo očetov pri hčerkah, ki so zbolele za motnjami hranjenja. Osredotočili smo se na odnos oče-hči in povezanost le-tega odnosa z razvojem motenj hranjenja ter ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri odnos oče-hči vpliva na razvoj motnje. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo, in sicer fenomenološko psihološko metodo. Kot instrumente raziskave smo uporabili polstrukturiran intervju. Podatke smo zbrali na osnovi individualnih intervjujev z vprašanji, ki smo jih pripravili vnaprej. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih pet udeleženk, ki so se v preteklosti soočale z motnjami hranjenja. Po analizi dobljenih podatkov s strani udeleženk smo prišli do zaključka, da odnos med očetom in hčerko vpliva na razvoj in vzdrževanje motenj hranjenja

Keywords:oče, hči, odnos, motnje hranjenja, družinski sistem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Matko]
Number of pages:V, 133, III str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108209 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10989827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Eating disorders and experiencing the relationship between father and daughter
Feeding is a principal need of every living creature. When food becomes a source of solving emotional distresses, we are talking about eating disorders. Eating disorders are considered as mental disorders, because their origins are coming out of each person’s emotional distresses, even though they are expressed with physical signs. Causes affecting the development of eating disorders are numerous. It rarely happens that an eating disorder is caused by a single cause. In most cases there is a combination of various causes, among which belong family factors and a father-daughter relationship. In the first part of this master’s thesis we have described types of eating disorders. In the continuation we have looked in detail causes for the development of eating disorders. We have also focused on consequences of eating disorders. The main and at the same time most important theme of the master’s thesis is the family and the family system and interactions, which are happening between family members and have influence on causes for the development of eating disorders and the experiencing, which is present by daughters. In a transparent and structured way, we have described the role of the family, especially the role of the father in the development of an eating disorder and the role of fathers by daughters, who suffered eating disorders. We have focused on the father-daughter relationship and its correlation towards the development of eating disorders and have found out what extent it has on the development of an eating disorder. In the empirical research we have used the quantitative method, namely the phenomenological psychological method. As an instrument for the research we have used a semi-structured interview. We have collected data based on individual interviews with pre prepared questions. Research was conducted on five individuals who faced eating disorders in the past. After the analysis of collected data, we concluded that the relationship between a father and a daughter affects the development and the maintenance of eating disorders.

Keywords:father, daughter, relationship, eating disorder, family system

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