
Vpliv postavitve in vsebine fotografij na nakup v spletnih trgovinah
ID Kušer, Iana (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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S čedalje pogostejšo uporabo spleta in spletnih trgovin je zelo pomembno, kako ponudniki poskrbijo za njihovo oblikovanje in prikaz svojih izdelkov. Kupci postajajo čedalje zahtevnejši in si želijo čim večje hitrosti in preglednosti. Zato smo z diplomskim delom želeli ugotoviti, kakšen je vpliv vsebine in postavitve fotografij na nakup v spletnih trgovinah. Z ustvarjenimi 36 kombinacijami spletnih strani za belo, sivo in črno barvno skupino smo testirali uporabniško izkušnjo testirancev. Izbrali smo 30 belih, sivih, črnih in rdečih elektronskih izdelkov, ki smo jih naključno postavili v mreže s petimi, štirimi in tremi stolpci ter v sezname v belih, sivih in črnih barvnih kombinacijah. Vsaka barvna skupina je opazovala izdelke le na eni barvi ozadja izdelka in na treh različnih barvah ozadja spletnih strani. Prav tako smo jim med testiranjem zastavili 12 vprašanj, s katerimi smo si lažje razlagali ugotovitve oziroma izračune pri analizi. Merili smo povprečni čas za prvi klik na iskani izdelek, prav tako smo naredili pregled števila napak in analizo vprašanj. Ugotovili smo, da je iskanje potekalo najhitreje in z najmanj napakami v sivem testu, najslabše in z najpogostejšimi napakami pri črnem. Testiranci so najhitreje in z najmanj napakami iskali v mreži s štirimi stolpci. Prav tako jim je bila ta postavitev tudi najbolj všeč, medtem ko je bil seznam pri testirancih najmanj priljubljen.

Keywords:spletne trgovine, fotografija, uporabniška izkušnja, barve, postavitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2019
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Title:Influence of photo layout and content on purchasing in online stores
It is very important how different sellers design their online stores and how they decide to showcase their products, since there is a significant rising number of people shopping online. Consumers want to shop on fast and clear websites. We want to figure out the influence that photo layout and content have on the consumer's buying decision. With this purpose in mind, we created 36 combinations for white, gray and black colour groups. We chose 30 different white, gray, black and red electronic devices which were then put in a grid of 5, 4 and 3 columns and a list in white, gray and black colour combination. Every colour group was tested with only one colour for the background of the items and with 3 different colours for the background of the website. We also asked the participants 12 questions that helped us more easily analyze everything we measured during the test. We measured and analyzed the time to the first mouse click on the chosen item and also the number of errors and the questions. We found out that the search was done the quickest and with the least errors in the gray group and opposite in the black group. Participants searched the quickest in the grid that had 4 columns and also had the least amount of errors. Analyzed answers showed corresponding results.

Keywords:online store, photography, user experience, colour, layout

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