
Uporaba recikliranih materialov za izdelavo kolekcije tekstilnih izdelkov in igrač za otroke na idejo upcyclinga
ID Rep, Ajda (Author), ID Burger Kovič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu z naslovom Uporaba recikliranih materialov za izdelavo kolekcije tekstilnih izdelkov in igrač za otroke na idejo upcyclinga sem raziskovala, kaj pomeni oblikovati dobro otroško igračo. Namen diplomskega dela je bil oblikovati kolekcijo interaktivnih igrač in tekstilnih izdelkov, ki temeljijo na trajnostnem oblikovanju. Trajnost zajema recikliranje in »upcycling«, s katerima sem ustvarila polnilo za igrače iz starih brisač. Raziskala sem elemente v otroški risbi, ki je bila osnova, s katero sem oblikovala kolekcijo. Iz otroških risb Enje in Zoje sem izbrane narisane elemente digitalno oblikovala v izbrane vzorce in kasneje v končne izdelke. Za končno izdelavo tekstilij sem uporabila tehniki žakardnega tkanja in digitalnega tiska. Končno kolekcijo sestavljajo štiri večje otroške igrače ter otroška vratna blazina. Vsaka izmed njih je oblikovana tako, da koristi razvoju otroka ter razvija psihične in fizične sposobnosti.

Keywords:»upcycling«, recikliranje, trajnost, igrača, digitalno oblikovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108194 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2019
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Title:Collection of textile products and toys for kids, with use of recycled materials in form of upcycling
In the thesis titled Collection of textile products and toys for kids, with use of recycled materials in form of upcycling, I researched the meaning of a good children's toy. My purpose was to create a collection of toys and other textile products in form of sustainable design. Sustainability is based on recycling and upcycling, which I incorporated in the making of the collection. The filling for plush toys are made out of recycled old towels. I studied the children's drawing and later on focused on specific drawings made by Enja and Zoja. Their drawings were the base for designing patterns and designs of plush textile products. For the textile patterns I used the jacquard weaving machine and digital printer. The final collection consists of four plush toys and one children's neck pillow. Each toy is designed to benefit to the child early development. It encourages the child to develop main psychological and physical abilities.

Keywords:upcycling, recycling, sustainability, toy, digital design

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