
Izdelava otroške različice govornoavdiometričnega preizkusa v slovenskem jeziku
ID Škrlj, Nina (Author), ID Battelino, Saba (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marvin Derganc, Tatjana (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5782/ This link opens in a new window

Govorna avdiometrija je avdiološka diagnostična metoda, s katero ugotavljamo posameznikovo sposobnost zaznavanja, prepoznavanja in razumevanja govornih dražljajev. V Sloveniji nimamo na voljo preizkusa, ki bi bil primeren za govorno avdiometrijo mlajših otrok. V magistrskem delu sem se zato lotila izdelave otroške različice govornoavdiometričnega preizkusa z enozložnicami, ki je prilagojena za preverjanje nadpražnih sposobnosti govornega zaznavanja pri otrocih od petega do šestega leta starosti. Izdelava preizkusa je potekala v dveh fazah. V prvi fazi izdelave preizkusa je bil najprej sestavljen nov nabor besed, ki so primerne za testiranje otrok ciljne starosti. Del sposobnosti zaznavanja govora je namreč tudi zmožnost nadomestitve izpada slušne informacije na podlagi jezikovnega znanja, zato je pomembno, da preizkus uporablja besede, ki jih preiskovanci poznajo. Ker je bil moj cilj izdelati preizkus zaprtega tipa, so bile v tej fazi izdelane tudi ilustracije zbranih besed. Poznavanje besed in ustreznost njihovih slikovnih upodobitev sta bili preverjeni na pilotnem vzorcu 20 normalno slišečih otrok. V drugi fazi izdelave testa so bili na podlagi nabora besed, ki so se v prvi fazi izkazale za ustrezne, sestavljeni štirje fonetično uravnoteženi in po težavnosti enakovredni testni seznami. Ustreznost preizkusa je bila nato preverjena na skupini 10 normalno slišečih in skupini 6 naglušnih otrok. Rezultati pilotnega preverjanja ustreznosti testa so pričakovano pokazali razliko v povprečnem dosežku na preizkusu med testiranima skupinama otrok, kar kaže na ustrezno konstruktno veljavnost preizkusa. Notranja zanesljivost preizkusa je bila dobra v skupini normalno slišečih otrok, ne pa tudi v skupini naglušnih otrok. Nov otroški enozložni preizkus bi bilo tako v prihodnje potrebno dodatno preveriti na večjem številu udeležencev in ga izboljšati z vidika metrične ustreznosti.

Keywords:govorna avdiometrija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108188 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12474185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Construction of a Slovenian speech audiometry test for children
Speech audiometry is a diagnostic hearing test used to evaluate a person’s ability to perceive, recognize and understand speech. At the moment, in Slovenia there is no suitable test available for speech audiometry in young children. In the thesis I therefore attempt to construct a monosyllabic speech audiometry test to be used for supra-threshold speech perception assessment in children from five to six years of age. The test was developed in two phases. In the first phase of test construction, a new set of words suitable for children of selected age group was compiled. Part of the ability to perceive speech is filling in the missing speech information based on language knowledge; therefore, it is important that the test uses words that are familiar to the subjects. Because my goal was to construct a closed-set test, illustrations of selected words were also created in this phase. Familiarity with words and adequacy of their pictorial representations were evaluated in a pilot study on 20 normal hearing children. In the second phase, four phonetically balanced lists of approximately equal difficulty were created from the words that were found to be suitable in the first phase of test construction. The test was then evaluated on a group of 10 normal-hearing and a group of 6 hearing-impaired children. As expected, the results of the pilot test evaluation showed a significant difference in average test scores between the two groups of subjects, indicating adequate construct validity of the test. Internal reliability was found to be good in the group of normal-hearing children, but not in the group of hearing-impaired children. The new monosyllabic test for children should therefore be further evaluated on a larger sample of participants and improvements of its metric characteristics are needed.

Keywords:speech audiometry

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