
Vloga šolske svetovalne službe v osnovni šoli pri obravnavi otrok z duševnimi stiskami
ID Wilke Pacek, Claudia (Author), ID Dekleva, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu raziskujem vlogo šolske svetovalne službe v osnovni šoli pri obravnavanju učencev z duševno stisko. V teoretičnem delu naloge najprej opredeljujem nekatere ključne pojme in koncepte, kot so duševno zdravje, kontinuum duševnega zdravja in negativno duševno zdravje. Ker slednji od drugih pojmov izstopa s svojo neopredeljenostjo, ga predstavljam iz vidika medicinske in socialno pedagoške perspektive. V nadaljevanju naloge se osredotočam na duševne stiske pri otrocih in mladostnikih in navajam temeljne teoretične koncepte celostnega modela razumevanja le-teh. Nato predstavljam vlogo družine pri razvoju duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov ter družino kot vir stisk in travm, ki ogrožajo njihovo duševno zdravje. Duševno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov postavljam tudi v šolski prostor, pri čemer prikazujem šolo kot varovalni dejavnik in kot dejavnik tveganja. V zadnjem sklopu teoretičnega dela predstavljam šolsko svetovalno službo v osnovni šoli, njeno vlogo pri varovanju duševnega zdravja učencev in pri obravnavi otrok z duševnimi stiskami. Pri tem izpostavljam tudi nekatere temeljne socialno pedagoške koncepte, ki jih lahko šolska svetovalna služba udejanja pri obravnavanju otrok z duševnimi stiskami. V sklopu teoretičnega dela prikazujem ugotovitve nekaterih že obstoječih slovenskih in tujih raziskav, vezanih na obravnavano tematiko. Empirični del naloge temelji na kvalitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu. Na izbranem vzorcu desetih oseb, od tega pet šolskih svetovalnih delavcev in pet učiteljev, raziskujem, kakšno vlogo ima šolska svetovalna služba pri obravnavanju otrok z duševnimi stiskami. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da ima šolska svetovalna služba zelo pomembno vlogo pri obravnavanju otrok z duševnimi stiskami. Otroke z duševno stisko ne samo prepoznava, ampak z njimi dela in se pri tem poslužuje različnih metod, strategij in pristopov pomoči, v sam proces pa vključuje tudi starše otrok s stiskami, učitelje in vodstvo ter strokovnjake iz različnih zunanjih institucij. Pri tem se je izkazalo, da je za uspešno delo šolske svetovalne službe zelo pomembno, da v procesu obravnave sodelujejo tudi učitelji in da je uspešnost pomoči otrokom z duševno stisko v veliki meri odvisna od sodelovanja z njihovimi starši.

Keywords:duševna stiska
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108159 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12469321 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.06.2019
WILKE PACEK, Claudia, 2019, Vloga šolske svetovalne službe v osnovni šoli pri obravnavi otrok z duševnimi stiskami [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The role of counseling service in primary schools for children with mental health disorders
This paper explores the role of counselling service in primary schools for children with mental health disorders. In the theoretical part, it begins with definitions of some key concepts, such as mental health, the continuum of mental health and negative mental health. Since definition of negative mental health differs from other concepts because of its indefinable character, it is explored from medical and social pedagogical perspective. In the next section, focus is on mental health disorders and presents fundamental theoretical concepts of an integrated model of understanding mental health disorders. Furthermore it presents the role of the family in the development of mental health of children and adolescents as well as family as a source of distress and trauma that negatively impact on children's mental health. The next section sets mental health disorders in a school environment, whereby it shows school as a safety and as a risk factor. Lastly, it describes the school counselling service in elementary school, its role in protecting the mental health of pupils and the support for children with mental distress. It also highlights some basic social pedagogical concepts that the school counselling service can use in dealing with children with mental distress. As a part of the theoretical work, I present the findings of some already existing Slovenian and foreign researches related to the subject matter. The empirical part of this paper is based on a qualitative research approach. On a selected sample of ten people including five school counsellors and five teachers, the role of school counselling service in relation to the children with mental distress was explored. The results of this research are showing, that the school counselling service plays a very important role for the children with mental distress. They do not only recognize them, but also support them by using different methods, strategies and approaches. Furthermore they involve parents, teachers, school management and experts from various external institutions in the process. It turned out that it is significant the teachers work collaboratively with the school counselling service and that the effectiveness of helping children with mental health disorders depends to a large extent on cooperation with their parents.

Keywords:mental health disorder

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