
Politična manipulacija: med negativno konotacijo in imperativom politike
ID Jerant, Tjaša (Author), ID Lukšič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Politična manipulacija je označena z negativno konotacijo, kar predstavlja začetno točko diplomskega dela. Razumeli jo bomo kot upravljanje, programiranje in preusmerjanje množic – javnosti, ki lahko vključuje tudi psihološke vplive za zagotovitev ciljev manipulatorja. Ključna sestavina manipulacije je prikritost. Uporablja jo lahko kdorkoli v političnem prostoru, ki ima sposobnost za njeno izvedbo. To predstavlja oviro pri identifikaciji političnega fenomena v študiji primera, zato smo teoretične nastavke za prepoznavo politične manipulacije iskali v Machiavellijevem delu Vladar, Rikerjevi Herestetiki in teorijah pluralne demokracije. Spoznali smo, da je za identifikacijo politične manipulacije treba ločevati med moralo in politiko ter uveljaviti realistično videnje politike. Realistično gledano politično polje delovanja vidimo v elitno-pluralističnem modelu demokracije, ki temelji na pluralnosti interesov, konfliktih interesov in razpršenosti moči. Prava moč je še vedno v rokah oblasti oz. elit, čeravno obstaja mnogo interesnih skupin in naj bi moč pripadala državljanom. Logika ničelne vsote, ki predstavlja konflikt, je pomembna pri identifikaciji in analizi politične manipulacije, hkrati pa smo zasnovali »makiavelistično« igro moči, ki smo jo aplicirali na konkreten primer. To nam je omogočilo analizo politične manipulacije od njenih ključnih elementov do političnih ciljev. Kot ključno smo raziskovali vlogo politične manipulacije v elitno-pluralističnih demokracijah.

Keywords:politična manipulacija, makiavelistična teorija iger, predstavniška demokracija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108096 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36272733 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2019
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Title:Political Manipulation: Between the Negative Connotation and the Imperative of Politics
Political manipulation is marked with negative connotation, which presents a starting point of this thesis. We will understand it as management, programming, and redirection of the masses – the public, which can also include psychological influences in order to achieve the goal of a manipulator. The key substance of manipulation is covertness. Political manipulation can be used by anyone in a political space that has the ability to carry it out. This poses a barrier at identification of a political phenomenon in a case study. Therefore, we sought theoretical sequences for recognition of political manipulation in Machiavelli's work: The Prince, Riker's Heresthetics and theories of plural democracy. We realised, that one must differentiate between moral and politics for identification of a political manipulation. Politics needs to be seen realistically. As such, we see the political field of action in an elite–pluralistic model of democracy, which is based on the plurality of interests, conflicts of interest, and the dispersal of power. True power is still in the hands of the elites, although many interest groups exist and democracy is all about strengthening the power of the people. The logic of zero-sum, which represents a conflict, is also important for identification of a political manipulation. At the same time, we have designed a »Machiavellian« game of power, which we applied to a concrete case. This allowed us to analyse political manipulation: from its key elements to political goals. The crucial was researching the role of a political manipulation in elite-pluralist democracy.

Keywords:political manipulation, machiavellian game theory, representative democracy.

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