
Ocenjevanje predbralnih zmožnosti pri otrocih, starih pet do sedem let
ID Bider Petelin, Ivanka (Author), ID Ozbič, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5761/ This link opens in a new window

Za boljše spopadanje s težavami na področju branja je pomembna zgodnja obravnava in posledično zgodnje odkrivanje primanjkljajev. Visoko tveganje za pojav težav na področju branja je možno zaznati že pred formalnim učenjem branja, ki poteka v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju, še posebno pri otrocih pred vstopom v osnovno šolo ali ob vstopu vanjo. Osrednji cilj raziskave je oblikovanje instrumenta, s katerim bi želeli odkriti otroke s slabše razvitimi predbralnimi zmožnostmi ob vstopu v osnovno šolo. V slovenskem prostoru še nimamo standardiziranega instrumenta, ki ocenjuje izključno predbralne zmožnosti. Po vzoru tujih in domačih uveljavljenih instrumentov oziroma preizkusov smo oblikovali enoten nabor preizkusov za ocenjevanje predbralnih zmožnosti. Razvitost zgodnjih bralnih zmožnosti smo dodatno ugotavljali s Testom zgodnjih bralnih zmožnosti (Jurišić, 2001). Preizkuse smo uporabili na vzorcu 307 otrok v starosti od 5 do 7 let, 64 otrok s tveganjem za nastanek težav na področju branja ter 243 otrok brez tveganja. Tveganje je bilo določeno glede na rezultat na Testu zgodnjih bralnih zmožnosti. Visok Cronbach alfa koeficient zanesljivosti (alfa = 0,87) potrjuje, da je oblikovan Preizkus predbralnih zmožnosti zanesljiv in občutljiv. Faktorska analiza je pokazala, da strukturo predbralnih zmožnosti določajo štirje faktorji: metafonološke zmožnosti, zaznavno jezikovne strukture, besedišče in vidno procesiranje. Regresijska analiza je pokazala, da odstranitev glasu besedi brez pomena, prepoznavanje prvega glasu, glasovna analiza, priklic besed na določen fonem in fonemska diskriminacija same po sebi napovedujejo uspeh na Testu zgodnjih bralnih zmožnosti. Z diskriminativno analizo smo ugotovili, da spremenljivke glasovna analiza, prepoznavanje prvega glasu, odstranitev glasu ali zloga, priklic besed na določen fonem, kratkotrajni slušni spomin, prepoznavanje rim in natančnost vidnega razlikovanja najbolje pojasnjujejo razlike med skupinama otrok z in brez tveganja za nastanek težav na področju branja. Na osnovi rezultatov raziskave smo potrdili, da oblikovan instrumentarij omogoča prepoznavanje otrok, pri katerih se pojavlja tveganje za nastanek težav na področju branja ob vstopu v šolo. Preizkus predbralnih zmožnosti bo specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom omogočil oceno stopnje razvitosti posamezne predbralne zmožnosti pri otroku, starem od 5 do 7 let, in zgodnjo vključitev v obravnavo, kar bo posledično vplivalo na boljšo napoved glede odprave težav na področju branja.

Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108076 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12462921 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of preliteracy competence in children aged five to seven years old
In order to better cope with reading difficulties, early treatment, and, consequently, early detection of deficiency are important. A high risk of developing reading difficulties can be detected even before a child learns to read, especially prior to their they enrollment in elementary school or first grade. The main aim of the research was to design an instrument with which it would be possible to single out children with a less-developed preliteracy competence in the time of starting school. In Slovenia, we do not have a standardized instrument to assess preliteracy competence. We have developed a set of tests that assesses preliteracy competence based on well-established foreign and Slovenian instruments or tools. The development of early reading ability was assessed by the Test of Early Reading Competence (Jurišić, 2001). A sample of 307 children aged from five to seven was tested, with 64 children who were at risk for developing reading difficulties and 243 who were not. The risk was determined on the basis of the result of the Test of Early Reading Competence. A high Cronbach alpha coefficient (apha = 0,87) indicates that the designed instrument is an internally reliable instrument. Factor analysis showed that the structure of preliteracy competence consists of four factors: metaphonology, perceptual language structures, vucabulary, and visual processing. A regression analysis showed that phoneme deletion, the identification of the first sound, syllable synthesis, recalling words that start with a certain phoneme, and phoneme discrimination suffice on their own in predicting the outcome of the Test of Early Reading Competence. A discriminative analysis showed that phoneme analysis, the identification of the first sound, syllable and phoneme deletion, recalling words that start with a certain phoneme, auditory short-term memory, the identification of rhymes, and the accuracy of visual discrimination best explain the differences between the group of children with and the group of children without the risk of developing reading difficulties. On the basis of the results obtainer in our study, we have confirmed that the deveoped instrument enables the identification of children who are at risk of developing reading difficulties when starting elementary school. The test of preliteracy competence will enable special education teachers to assess the degree of preliteracy competence development in children aged from five to seven and their early inclusion in therapy which will, in turn, enable a better prognosis with regard to the elimination of reading difficulties.


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