
Oglaševanje zdravil: med omejevanjem in svobodo oglaševanja
ID Remškar Rejc, Sara (Author), ID Kovač, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grilc, Peter (Comentor)

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V praksi glede neposrednega oglaševanja zdravil na recept zasledimo dva nasprotujoča si normodajna pogleda: prvi neposredno oglaševanje zdravil na recept širši javnosti prepoveduje (npr. v Sloveniji in Nemčiji), drugi pa ga dovoljuje ob določenih regulatornih omejitvah (npr. v ZDA). Da bi potrdila oziroma ovrgla hipotezo, da je prepoved oglaševanja zdravil na recept širši javnosti v naši pravni ureditvi pravno utemeljena, sem v nalogi s primerjalnopravnega vidika analizirala razloge, ki bi lahko govorili v prid prepovedi neposrednega oglaševanja zdravil na recept širši javnosti, kot tudi razloge, ki govorijo v prid svobodi neposrednega oglaševanja zdravil na recept širši javnosti. Kot razloge, ki bi lahko govorili v prid prepovedi oglaševanja, sem identificirala predvsem argument varstva potrošnikov, negativen vpliv tovrstnega oglaševanja na odnos med pacientom in zdravnikom ter vpliv na javna sredstva. Kot razloge, ki govorijo v prid svobodi neposrednega oglaševanja zdravil na recept, sem identificirala predvsem svobodno gospodarsko pobudo in z njo povezano svobodo komercialnega izražanja, pravico do obveščenosti (v zvezi s pravico do zdravja) ter tudi pozitiven vpliv tovrstnega oglaševanja na odnos med pacientom in zdravnikom. Analiza mojih ugotovitev v zvezi z vsemi izpostavljenimi argumenti pokaže, da je v ozadju temeljno različnih pristopov k ureditvi neposrednega oglaševanja zdravil na recept širši javnosti različno razumevanje relacij med informativno in pospeševalno komponento oglasov na položaj različnih deležnikov. Ureditve držav, ki sem jih proučevala v doktorski nalogi, vpliv teh dveh komponent oglaševanja na različne vrednote, ki naj jih pravo varuje (npr. varstvo potrošnikov, odnos med pacientom in zdravnikom, javna sredstva, svoboda izražanja, pravica do obveščenosti …), različno vrednotijo. Različen pristop obravnavanih jurisdikcij do regulacije te aktivnosti pa izvira iz dejstva, da očitno v ZDA v tovrstnih oglasih v večji meri, kot to velja za Nemčijo oziroma Slovenijo, prepoznavajo njihovo informativno vlogo oziroma identificirajo večji pomen informativne komponente tovrstnih oglasov. Glede na izvedeno analizo ugotavljam, da slovenska ureditev stremi k temu, da omejuje pospeševalno komponento oglasov; tiste vsebine, ki imajo (pretežno) le informativno naravo, pa še vedno skuša omogočiti s formalno izključitvijo uporabe pravil o regulaciji oglaševanja zdravil. V tem smislu slovenska ureditev zadosti varovanju potrošnika, upošteva vidik javnih sredstev ter varuje odnos med pacientom in zdravnikom, po drugi strani pa, sicer v precej manjši meri kot v ZDA, vpeljuje tudi pravico do obveščanja pacientov preko neposrednega oglaševanja. Glede na navedeno je po mojem mnenju treba izhodiščno potrditi postavljeno hipotezo, torej da je omejevanje oglaševanja v naši ureditvi pravno utemeljeno.

Keywords:zdravila na recept, oglaševanje, varstvo potrošnikov, javna sredstva, komercialno izražanje, pravica do obveščenosti, odnos pacient - zdravnik
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108060 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16842833 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Advertising of Medicines: Between Restriction And Freedom of Advertising
In practice, one can find two opposing normative views of direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising: the first prohibits direct advertising of prescription drugs to the general public (e.g. in Slovenia and Germany), whereas the other permits it according to specific regulatory restrictions (e.g. in the USA). To confirm or reject the hypothesis that the prohibition on the direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs is legally justified in the Slovenian regulatory framework, we analysed the reasons, from a comparative legal perspective, that support the prohibition on direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs as well as the reasons in support of the freedom to directly advertise prescription drugs to the general public. Among the reasons in favour of the prohibition on advertising, we mainly identified the arguments of consumer protection, the negative impact of such advertising on the patient-doctor relationship, and the influence on public funds. The reasons identified that lend support for the freedom to directly advertise prescription drugs mostly include free economic initiative and the related freedom of commercial expression, the right to information (associated with the right to health) and the positive influence of such advertising on the patient-doctor relationship. An analysis of our findings concerning all the arguments highlighted above shows that lying in the background of the fundamentally different approaches to regulating the direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs is a varied understanding of the relations between the informative and promotional components of ads with regard to the dissimilar positions held by stakeholders. The regulatory frameworks of the countries studied in the doctoral thesis have different evaluations of the impact of these two advertising components on various values which should be protected by law (e.g. consumer protection, patient-doctor relationship, public funds, freedom of expression, right to information etc.). The different approaches taken by these jurisdictions to regulate this activity stem from the fact that the USA, more than Germany and Slovenia, recognises the informative role of such ads and/or attribute greater importance to their informative component. Based on the analysis conducted, we established that the Slovenian regulation strives to restrict the promotional component of ads; it attempts to enable those contents that are (predominantly) informative in nature by formally excluding the application of the rules that regulate drug advertising. In this respect, the Slovenian regulation satisfies the requirement to protect consumers, considers the aspect of public funds and protects the patient-doctor relationship; on the other hand, it introduces – to a smaller extent than in the USA – the right to inform patients through direct advertising. In view of the above, we believe the formulated hypothesis should be confirmed, namely that the restriction on advertising introduced by the Slovenian regulation is legally justified.

Keywords:prescription drugs, advertising, consumer protection, public funds, commercial expression, right to information, patient-doctor relationship

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