
Spolno nasilje v Pomurju in popularizacija gibanja #jaztudi
ID Govek, Monika (Author), ID Zaviršek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu predstavljam razširjenost tematike spolnega nasilja v Pomurju in popularizacijo gibanja #jaztudi. V prvem delu diplomske naloge navedem teoretične razlage dejavnikov in okoliščin spolnega nasilja, nanizam stereotipna mišljenja o spolnem nasilju ter predstavim zgodovino in bistvo gibanja #jaztudi v Ameriki in v Sloveniji. V poglavju metodologija navedem, da je raziskava kvalitativna z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika na manjšem vzorcu ljudi. V drugem delu naloge s pomočjo spletne ankete ugotavljam, kako normativno je spolno nasilje med Pomurkami in Pomurci, v kolikšni meri se strinjajo s stereotipi, preverim tudi njihovo poznavanje gibanja #jaztudi, ženski del sodelujočih v raziskavi pa posebej povprašam še o poznavanju spletne strani www.jaztudi.si ter o novejši kampanji #prekinimo tišino, v kateri ženske pišejo o svojih izkušnjah nasilja s strani porodnega osebja tekom nosečnosti in poroda. Rezultati spletne ankete so pokazali, da je ozaveščenost Pomurk in Pomurcev o spolnem nasilju na nizki stopnji ter da si želijo sprememb, katere tudi navedejo. Analiza rezultatov pokaže, da kazanje pornografskih vsebin, žvižganje, pohotno gledanje in zapeljevanje in ponavljajoči se predlogi za zmenke in druženje moškim ne predstavljajo del spolnega nasilja, največ žensk pa se glede teh dejanj ne more opredeliti, ali je to spolno nasilje ali ne. Popularizacija gibanja #jaztudi z metodo deljenja letakov na to temo je bila delno uspešna, saj sem s postavitvijo 600 letakov v centre za socialno delo, policijske postaje, zdravstvene domove, domove za stare, šole sicer ozaveščala ljudi o spolnem nasilju, vendar sta svoji izkušnji spolnega nasilja na spletni strani www.jaztudi.si delili samo dve ženski. V zadnjem delu napišem predloge, s katerimi bi lahko izboljšala potek raziskave, predlagam pa tudi konkretne ideje o nadgraditvi moje diplomske naloge.

Keywords:nasilje, spolno nasilje, stereotipi, mizoginija, femicid, ničelna toleranca do nasilja, gibanje #jaztudi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108050 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Sexual abuses in Pomurje region and popularization of the #MeToo movement
In my diploma thesis I am presenting the frequency of the sexual violence subject in the Pomurje region and the popularization of the #MeToo movement. In the first part of my diploma thesis I list the theoretical explanations of the factors and circumstances of sexual violence, sexual violence related stereotypes and present the history and the essence of the movement #MeToo in America and Slovenia. In the methodology section I state that the survey is qualitative, carried out using a questionnaire answered by a small sample group of people. In the second part of the thesis, by means of an online survey, I find out how people understand sexual violence in Pomurje and to what extent they agree with the stereotypes. I also inquire about their knowledge of the #metoo movement and at the end of the questionnaire I ask only women about their awareness of the website www.jaztudi.si and about the recent campaign #break the silence in which women write about their experiences of violence by the maternity ward staff during pregnancy and childbirth. The results of the online survey showed that both male and female inhabitants of the Pomurje region sexual violence awareness is at a low level and that they want changes, which they also pointed out in the survey. The analysis of the results shows that displaying pornographic content, whistling, lustful observing and seduction as well as repeated invitations to dates and socializing is not perceived as sexual violence by men, while the majority of women couldn’t decide whether these behaviors are sexual violence or not. The popularization of the #metoo movement by the means of distributing leaflets was partly successful. After placing 600 leaflets in the centers for social work, police stations, health centers, homes for the elderly and schools with the goal of raising people's awareness about sexual violence, only two women shared their experience of sexual violence on the website www.jaztudi.si. In the final part, I make suggestions for ways to improve the course of the research and I also suggest specific ideas on further developing my diploma thesis.  

Keywords:violence, sexual abuses, stereotypes, misogyny, femicide, zero tolerance of violence, #MeToo movement

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