
Gojenje gensko spremenjenih rastlin odpornih proti žuželkam
ID Kušar, Pika (Author), ID Štajner, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pojav genskega inženiringa je bil velika spodbuda kmetijstvu z razvojem vrhunskih sort pridelkov, odpornih proti žuželkam. Žuželke so bili od nekdaj ena največjih groženj v kmetijstvu, saj povzročajo velike izgube v pridelkih. Klasično varstvo rastlin pred škodljivci predstavlja velik strošek v pridelavi posameznih poljščin, poleg tega pa ni trajnostno in okolju prijazno. Z genskim inženiringom smo si zato želeli ustvariti rastline, ki so odporne proti žuželkam. Odpornost proti žuželkam se nanaša na rastline, ki se lahko naravno ali pa s pomočjo genskega inženiringa uprejo poškodbam le teh. Rastline odporne proti žuželkam običajno tvorijo spojine, strupene za žuželke, ki se poskušajo z njimi hraniti. Poznamo več strategij pridobivanja odpornosti proti žuželkam; Ena izmed njih je uporaba insekticidnih proteinov, vendar pa je potrebno omeniti, da skoraj vse rastline odporne na insekte vsebujejo toksin, pridobljen iz bakterije Bacillus thuringiensis. Bakterija B. thuringiensis predstavlja glavni vir genov za pridobivanje odpornosti rastlin na žuželke. Toksini B. thuringiensis se vežejo na specifične receptorje in imajo specifično delovanje le v primernem pH okolju, zato so neškodljivi na človeka in ne tarčne organizme. Gojenje gensko spremenjenih rastlin je imelo od njihove komercializacije leta 1996 velik gospodarski učinek po vsem svetu. Pridelava rastlin odpornih proti žuželkam je imela velik vpliv pri povečanju hektarskih donosov, zmanjšanju onesnaženja okolja zaradi zmanjšane uporabe kemičnih insekticidov, zmanjšanju emisij CO2, ter izboljšanju zdravstvenih, socialnih in ekonomskih koristi kmetov. Danes se jih prideluje praktično po vsem svetu, največ v ZDA, v Evropski uniji pa je dovoljen samo en dogodek MON 810 in sicer pri koruzi.

Keywords:genski inženiring, gensko spremenjene rastline, odpornost proti žuželkam, insekticidni proteini, Bacillus thuringiensis
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[P. Kušar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108024 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9237625 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Cultivation of genetically modified plants resistant to insects
The appearance of genetically engineering food revolutionised farming with the development of high quality harvest that are immune to insects. Insects have always been one of the biggest threats in farming, causing huge losses of crops. Not only does the classical approach to protecting plants from pest represent a considerable cost in the production of certain field crops, it is also not environmentally friendly or long-lasting. Genetic engineering has therefore tried to create plants immune to insects. Insects resistance applies to plants that can resist the damage done by insects either naturally or with the help of genetic engineering. Insects resistant plants usually produce chemical compounds that are toxic to the insects that try to eat plants. Although there are many different strategies on developing insects’ resistance - use of insecticide proteins, it needs to be said that almost all insect resistant plants contain a toxin from bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. The bacterium represents the main source of genes used in developing insect resistant plants. The B. thuringiensis toxins bind with specific receptors and have a specific pH activity, which is why they are harmless to humans and non-targeted organisms. Since its commercialisation in 1996, growing genetically modified plants has had a major economic impact around the world. Production of insect resistant plants has had a big influence in the expansion of yields per hectare, reduction of environmental pollution with chemical insecticides, reduction of CO2 emissions, and the improvement of health, social, and economic benefits of the farmers. Today, these plants are grown practically all over the world, mostly in the USA. However, in the European Union only one MON 810 event is allowed, namely, with corn.

Keywords:plant biotehnology, genetically modified plants, insect resistance, insecticidal proteins, Bacillus thuringiensis

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