
Motivi za udeležbo pri telesni aktivnosti starejših občanov v Ljubljani in okolici : magistrsko delo
ID Jovičevič, Liza (Author), ID Tušak, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zdrav življenjski slog skozi vsa obdobja življenja je vedno bolj aktualna tema. Pomen telesne aktivnosti za zdravje je zelo raziskovano področje in imamo veliko znanega o pozitivnih učinkih. Kljub vsem dokazom pa je delež telesno aktivnih prenizek, kar pripisujemo pomanjkanju motivacije. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti motive za udeležbo pri telesni aktivnosti starejših občanov v Ljubljani in okolici. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 115 starostnikov, od tega 82 žensk in 33 moških, ki obiskujejo organizirano telesno aktivnost >>Aktiven dan za aktivno starost<<. Program Aktiven dan, zasnovan s strani ustanoviteljice Fitnes Klinike, se izvaja v DEOS domovih za ostarele na osmih lokacijah – Ljubljana - Trnovo, Ljubljana - Črnuče, Notranje Gorice, Horjul, Medvode, Cerknica, Gornji Grad in Zimzelen Topolšica. Preizkušance smo anketirali z vprašalnikom Lestvica motivov za ukvarjanje s telesno aktivnostjo (PMQ – Gill, priredba LM: Tušak 1997). Faktorska analiza podatkov nam je dala osem faktorjev, ki pojasnjujejo 63,64 % skupne variance. Najbolj izražen faktor, uživanje ob vadbi in prijateljstvo ter socializacija, pojasnjuje 20,86 % variance. Ostali dobljeni faktorji so enakomerno porazdeljeni in predstavljajo pridobivanje socialnega statusa in doživljanje izzivov, sproščanje energije in napetosti pri vadbi pod nadzorom, uspeh in storilnost, dobro počutje in zdravje, notranjo motivacijo in tovariški duh, osvajanje novih spretnosti ter ohranjanje in izpopolnjevanje spretnosti. Primerjava vrednosti glavnih motivov nam je pokazala, da se motivi za udeležbo pri telesni aktivnosti razlikujejo glede na spol, stopnjo izobrazbe in lokacijo, in so enaki glede na starost anketirancev. Dobljeni rezultati lahko pripomorejo k nadaljnjemu raziskovanju tega področja in sestavi vadbenih programov, prilagojenih starostnikom.

Keywords:starostniki, telesna aktivnost, motivi, motivacija, zdravo staranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108022 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5562033 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Motives for participation in physical activities of the elderly in Ljubljana and the surrounding areas
A healthy lifestyle in all life stages is an increasingly topical subject. The importance of physical activity for health has been thoroughly researched and much is known about its positive effects. Despite all evidence, the physical activity of people is too low, which we attribute to lack of motivation. The purpose of the research was to determine the motives for participation in physical activity of the elderly in Ljubljana and its surroundings. The study included 115 elderly people: 82 women and 33 men who attend an organized physical activity ”Active Day for Active Ageing”. The Active Day program, created by the founder of the Fitness Clinic, is being implemented at the DEOS retirement homes in eight locations - Ljubljana Trnovo, Ljubljana Črnuče, Notranje Gorice, Horjul, Medvode, Cerknica, Gornji Grad, and Zimzelen Topolšica. The participants were given a questionnaire ‘Scale of motifs for physical activity’ (PMQ - Gill, adapted in LM: Tušak 1997). Factor analysis of the data gave us eight factors which explain 63.64% of the total variance. The most pronounced factor, enjoyment of exercise, friendship and socialization, adds up for 20,86% of the variance. The other factors are equally distributed and represent: the acquisition of social status and experiencing challenges, release of energy and tension in exercise under supervision, success and productivity, well-being and health, internal motivation and friendeship, the acquisition of new skills, and the preservation and improvement of skills. Comparing the values of the main motives we established that the motives for participation in physical activity differ in terms of gender, level of education and location, and are the same regarding the age of the participants. The results obtained will contribute to the further research of the field and the structuring of training programs adapted to the elderly.

Keywords:the elderly, physical activity, motives, motivation, healthy ageing

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