
Integracija priseljencev v Feldbachu
ID Deutsch, Larisa (Author), ID Zorn, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Že hiter pregled zgodovine nam razkriva, da so migracije z nami že dolgo. Kot pomemben element migracij je proces integracije, ki je sestavljen iz številnih dimenzij, katere se med seboj prepletajo. Ljudje so prišli iz držav, kjer vladajo vojne in težke razmere z željo po novem, dostojnejšem življenju, kjer ni nevarnosti. Kljub želji po boljšem življenju, imigrante v novi državi čakajo zahtevni izzivi. Raziskava prikazuje pogled na integracijo v mestu Feldbach s perspektive prosilcev za azil in beguncev. Pri tem dobimo uvid v ovire, s katerimi se srečujejo imigranti, na kakšen način se soočajo z njimi in kako se vključujejo v novo okolje. Potrebno se je zavedati, da imigracija ni odvisna le od imigranta, temveč od sodelovanja akterjev na vseh ravneh, torej na osebni, lokalni in nacionalni ravni. Imigranti imajo največ težav prav takrat, ko pridejo v stik s nacionalno ravnjo, saj jim le-ta, z vedno bolj restriktivno politiko, ovira proces uspešne integracije.

Keywords:migracija, integracija, diskriminacija, integracijske politike v Avstriji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107988 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of immigrants in Feldbach
A quick overview of history reveals that migration has been with us for a long time. An important element of migration is the process of integration, which is composed of many dimensions that can easily intertwined with one another. People came from countries where there is war and difficult conditions, with the desire for a new and more dignified life where there is no danger. Despite the desire for better life, when immigrants come to a new country they do face difficult challenges. The survey primarily shows the perspective of asylum seekers and refugees on their integration in Feldbach. With that we also get insights of the obstacles that immigrants have to face, how they coped with them and how they try to integrate in the society. We have to understand that the success of integration doesn’t only depend on immigrant, but it also includes aspects of all levels, that means personal, local and national level. Most problems that immigrants are faced with, are on the national level which has an increasingly restrictive policy that hinders the process of integration.

Keywords:migration, integration, discrimination, integration policy in Austria

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