
Vpliv procesnih parametrov kompaktiranja in sestave kompaktata na sproščanje karvedilola iz ogrodnih tablet s hipromelozo
ID Brec, Tina (Author), ID Vrečer, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kompaktiranje je enostaven in hiter postopek suhega granuliranja, ki izboljša fizikalne, mehanske in/ali kemijske lastnosti zmesi. Zaradi napredka v opremi in številnih prednosti z vidika proizvodnih stroškov in stabilnosti izdelkov postaja vse bolj popularno v farmacevtski industriji. V magistrski nalogi smo preučevali vpliv procesnih parametrov kompaktiranja (sila stiskanja, hitrost valjev, tip sejalnika, velikost odprtin sita in površina mreže sita) in sestave kompaktata (različni deleži hipromeloze z vsebnostjo pretežno fragmentirajočega ali plastičnega polnila) na izbrane fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti granulata ter na sproščanje modelne zdravilne učinkovine karvedilol iz ogrodnih tablet s podaljšanim sproščanjem na osnovi hipromeloze izdelanih s postopkom kompaktiranja. Ugotovili smo, da lahko s sestavo zmesi in s procesnimi parametri kompaktiranja vplivamo na partikulatne lastnosti granul in da je vpliv procesnih parametrov kompaktiranja odvisen od mehanskih lastnosti materialov. Vpliv partikulatnih lastnosti granul se izrazi tudi pri sproščanju karvedilola iz ogrodnih tablet na osnovi hipromeloze, na sproščanje karvedilola iz ogrodnih tablet pa vpliva tudi sila tabletiranja.

Keywords:suho granuliranje, procesni parametri kompaktiranja, hipromeloza, laktoza, mikrokristalna celuloza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107974 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2019
BREC, Tina, 2019, Vpliv procesnih parametrov kompaktiranja in sestave kompaktata na sproščanje karvedilola iz ogrodnih tablet s hipromelozo [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of roller compaction process parameters and compactat composition on release of carvedilol from matrix tablets with hypromellose
Roll compaction is a simple and quick process of dry granulation that improves the physical, mechanical and/or chemical properties of the mixture. Due to the advancement in equipment and numerous advantages in terms of production costs and stability of products, it is becoming increasingly popular in the pharmaceutical industry. The effects of roller compaction process parameters (compaction force, roll speed, type of mill, screen size of sieve and surface of the screen) and the composition of ribbons (compactat) (different proportions of hypromellose with content of predominantly fragmenting or plastic filler) on the selected physical and mechanical properties of granulates and on the release of the active ingredient carvedilol from sustained release matrix tablets with hypromellose were studied in the present thesis. We have discovered that the composition of the mixture and the roller compaction process parameters can influence the particulate properties of the granules and that the influence of roller compaction process parameters depends on the mechanical properties of the materials. The influence of the particulate properties of granules is also expressed in the release of carvedilol from matrix tablets with hypromellose, the release of carvedilol from matrix tablets is also affected by tablet force.

Keywords:dry granulation, roller compaction process parameters, hypromellose, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose

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