
Praktična uporaba in izdelava priročnika AHM 560 za letalo Airbus A300-622R
ID Kranjc, Tomaž (Author), ID Grebenšek, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kosel, Tadej (Comentor)

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Nalaganje tovornega letala zahteva natančnost in je ključnega pomena za varno operacijo v letalskem prometu. Zaradi kompleksnosti se v zadnjih letih kot vodilo pri nalaganju uporablja priročnik AHM 560, ki ga priporoča organizacija IATA. Priročnik mora biti izdelan v letalskem podjetju za določen tip letala. Letalsko podjetje odgovarja, da je priročnik skladen z vsemi omejitvami, ki jih določi proizvajalec letala. Priročnik zajema vodilo, kako izdelati/izračunati končni dokument o uravnoteženju letala, v katerem sta predstavljena masa in pozicija težišča operativnega letala. Priročnik je možno izdelati le, kadar imamo vse potrebne podatke o določenem letalu, in predstavlja ključni dokument, ki ga potrebujemo na vsakem letu. Brez izračunanih podatkov, predstavljenih v priročniku, leta ne moremo opraviti. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena izdelava priročnika AHM 560 za letalo Airbus A300-622R. Priročnik obsega informacije o rezultatu tehtanja praznega letala. S tehtanjem sta določena masa in težišče praznega letala, ki predstavljata osnovo za izračun mase in težišča operativnega letala. V priročniku so označene pozicije in prostori, kjer se lahko določen tovor naloži. Upoštevati je treba, da ima vsaka pozicija svojo omejitev – maksimalno dovoljeno maso in volumen. Določiti je treba standardne mase za posadko in dodatne inštalacije na letalu, kot je na primer dodatna oprema.

Keywords:uravnoteženje, Airbus A300-622R, omejitve mase, omejitve težišča, priročniki, uravnoteženju letal, nalaganje letal
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Kranjc]
Number of pages:XXI, 67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107945 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16660507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Practical use and construction of AHM 560 manual for aircraft Airbus A300-622R
Loading of cargo Aircraft requires accuracy and is important for safe operation in airline industry. Due to loading complexity of large cargo aircraft, the document AHM 560 »Airport handling manual« is used as a guideline for mass and balance and loading presentations. Manual has to be written by an airline operator for specific aircraft type. Airline operator is responsible that the manual complies with all limitations determined by aircraft the manufacturer. The main purpose of the manual is to show the loading guidelines and describe the correct loading of an aircraft and proper calculation of loadsheet. Loadsheet is the final document of loading that the operator needs for every flight with specific data for the flight concerned. It is possible to calculate loadsheet with all pre-calculated data presented in AHM 560. Safely and legally, it is impossible to perform a flight without a loadsheet. In this bachelor thesis, the construction of manual AHM 560 is presented for a cargo aircraft Airbus A300-622R. Manual contains sumed information about the results of aircraft weighing. Aircraft weighing defines total mass and center of gravity of empty aircraft. With this data, manual describes mass and centre of gravity (CG) limitations and furthermore defines mass and CG values for different operational aircraft configurations. It also describes loading instructions and loading positions with its calculated mass and volumetric limitations. Operator also defines standard masses for the crew, baggage, fly away kit etc.

Keywords:mass and balance, Airbus A300-622R, mass and CG limitations, manuals, loadsheet, aircraft loading

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