
Vpliv motenj hranjenja in požiranja na razvoj govora
ID Razboršek, Barbara (Author), ID Hočevar Boltežar, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Comentor)

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Razvoj orofacialnih struktur, ki so pomembne za hranjenje, požiranje in za govor, se začne in konča v prenatalnem obdobju. Sposobnosti hranjenja in požiranja ter sposobnost govora se nato razvijajo naprej v obdobju novorojenčka in obdobju zgodnjega otroštva. V teoretičnih izhodiščih magistrskega dela smo najprej opisali razvoja hranjenja, požiranja in poteka požiranja. Nato smo posebej navedli tudi mogoče motnje hranjenja in požiranja pri otrocih, njihovo prevalenco, znake, kako poteka ocenjevanje in kako njihova rehabilitacija. Opisali smo razvoj govora in omenili dejavnike, ki vplivajo nanj. Na področju motenj govora pri otrocih smo dodatno pozornost namenili glasovnim motnjam in motnjam artikulacije. Vzporedno smo navedli razvojne mejnike hranjenja, požiranja in govora ter reflekse, pomembne za te procese. Vsi ti podatki so ključnega pomena za dobro razumevanje težav s hranjenjem in požiranjem ter z govorom. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela smo navedli, kakšna je do zdaj znana povezava med govorom in hranjenjem, požiranjem. Opisali smo, katere mišice in živci sodelujejo pri obeh procesih, kako se procesa povezujeta, in navedli ugotovitve raziskav o tej temi. Z empiričnim delom smo v prvi vrsti želeli ugotoviti, kolikšna je pogostost motenj hranjenja in/ali požiranja v populaciji otrok v značilnem razvoju, nato pa primerjati razvoj govora otrok z motnjami hranjenja in/ali požiranja in otrok brez njih. S tem namenom smo po pregledu literature sestavili vprašalnik za starše otrok glede motenj hranjenja in/ali požiranja, govornega razvoja, morebitnih glasovnih in artikulacijskih motenj ter zastavili preverjanje otrokovih govornih sposobnosti (ocena motorike orofacialnega področja, ocena glasu in artikulacije). Vprašalnik smo razdelili 120 staršem otrok, starih od 4,0 in 6,0 leta. V vprašalniku je bilo tudi soglasje za preverjanje otrokovih govornih sposobnosti, ki ga je izpolnilo 60 staršev, kar predstavlja tudi končen vzorec raziskave. Izsledki so pokazali, da je imelo ali ima 23,3 % otrok motnje hranjenja in/ali požiranja. Najpogosteje so se pojavljale težave s sesanjem in z žvečenjem hrane. Prek subjektivne ocene glasu smo pri 25 % otrok ugotovili prisotnost glasovne motnje. Kar 80 % otrok, udeleženih v raziskavi, pa ima ali je imelo določene težave v razvoju govora (upočasnjen govorni razvoj, artikulacijske motnje, glasovne motnje), kar smo preverjali s pomočjo vprašalnika in tudi s pregledom otrokovih govornih sposobnosti. Najpogosteje so se pojavljale artikulacijske motnje, kar smo tudi pričakovali. Motorika orofacialnega področja je bila motena pri 23,3 % otrok. Ugotovili smo, da obstaja statistična povezava med motnjami hranjena in/ali požiranja ter upočasnjenim govornim razvojem in govornimi težavami ter starostjo otrok. Med drugimi podatki statističnih povezav nismo ugotovili.

Keywords:razvoj hranjenja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107934 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12453449 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of feeding and swallowing disorders on language development
The development of orofacial structures important for feeding, swallowing and speech begins and ends in the prenatal period. The feeding, swallowing ability and the ability to speak then develop further in the infant period and early childhood. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis we firstly described the development of feeding, swallowing and the process of swallowing. Then we specified possible feeding and swallowing disorders in children, their prevalence, signs and symptoms, we described the assessment and rehabilitation of those disorders. We described speech development and specifically exposed factors that affect it. Regarding speech disorders we specifically paid attention to voice disorders and articulation disorders. We specified developmental milestones for feeding, swallowing and speech, and then stated reflexes that are important for those processes. All that information is crucial for better understanding feeding, swallowing and speech disorders. At the end of theoretical part, we described known data on the connection between speech and feeding, swallowing. We also described which muscles and nerves participate in both processes, how those two connect and wrote down research findings on the topic. The aim of the empirical part was firstly to establish the prevalence of feeding and swallowing disorders in the population of typically developing children and then to compare speech development of children with and without feeding and swallowing disorders. With this purpose we created a questionnaire for parents about possible feeding, swallowing, speech development, voice and articulation problems of their child and a protocol of the assessment of the child’s speech abilities (orofacial area motoric skills, voice, articulation) based on the review of literature. The questionnaire was given to 120 parents of children aged between 4.0 and 6.0 years. The questionnaire also contained consensus for an examination of child’s speech ability. 60 parents filled out the questionnaire and gave their written consent for the examination of their children. This was also our final research sample. The results showed that 23.3 % of children had or still have feeding and swallowing disorders. Difficulties with sucking and chewing were the most common problems. Detected by the researcher’s subjective assessment of voice 25 % of children had voice disorders. 80 % of children that participated in the research had or still have some sort of speech disorder (delayed speech development, articulation disorders, and voice disorders). This data was gained through questionnaire and the assessment of children’s speech abilities. Articulation disorders were expectedly the most common. Orofacial area motoric skills were disturbed in 23.3 % of children. We found a statistically significant link between feeding and swallowing disorders and delayed speech development, as well as between speech disorders and age. There were no statistically significant links between other data.

Keywords:development of feeding

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