
Vključevanje malih in srednje velikih podjetij na tuje trge preko globalnih verig vrednosti
ID Pavlica, Neja (Author), ID Jaklič, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Danes je dinamika globalnega gospodarstva pripeljala do tega, da je 70 odstotkov mednarodne trgovine namenjene proizvodnji v globalnih verigah vrednosti (GVV), kjer se storitve, surovine, deli in komponente prenašajo med državami, preden se oblikujejo v končne izdelke, ki se nato znajdejo pri končnih uporabnikih po celem svetu. Obstaja jasen trend k vedno večji koncentraciji in ostrejši konkurenci med velikimi igralci na svetovnem trgu, zato so glavni upravljalci teh verig multinacionalne korporacije. S prenosom znanja in tehnologije pa korporacije v svoje GVV vključujejo mala in srednje velika podjetja (MSP), ki s povečevanjem prihodka in ustvarjanjem novih delovnih mest predstavljajo hrbtenico globalne ekonomije. Njihovo konkurenčno in uspešno sodelovanje na tujih trgih določajo različni dejavniki. V nalogi preučujem, kateri so dejavniki, ki vplivajo na uspešnost vključevanja MSP v GVV. Več izpolnjenih dejavnikov posledično povečuje verjetnost za uspešno vključevanje v GVV.

Keywords:globalne verige vrednosti, mala in srednje velika podjetja, mednarodna podjetja, neposredne tuje investicije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107873 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36188765 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Integrating small and medium-sized enterprises into foreign markets through global value chains
Today, the dynamics of the global economy has led to 70 percent of international trade being devoted to production in global value chains, where services, raw materials, parts and components are transferred between countries before they are shaped into final products, which are later distributed to the users around the world. There is a clear trend towards increasing concentration and sharper competition among the major player on the global market. The main managers of these chains are multinational corporations. With transferring knowledge and technology, corporations include small and medium-sized enterprises, which increase the income and create new jobs, and therefore represent the backbone of the global economy. Their competitive and successful cooperation on foreign markets is determined by various factors. In this work, I examine what are the determinants that influence the success of small and medium-sized enterprises when integrating into global value chains. More fulfilled factors increase the successful integration into global value chains.

Keywords:global value chains, small and medium-sized enterprises, multinational enterprises, foreign direct investment

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