
Daljinsko vodenje procesov s telemetrijsko enoto ME-RTU
ID UDOVIČ, MARKO (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je predstavljena telemetrijska enota ME RTU, ki služi kot komunikacijski prehod med PLK-jem in nadzorno napravo. Telemetrijska enota ME RTU z uporabo telemetrijskih protokolov DNP3 ali IEC 60870-5 omogoča več načinov komunikacije z nadzorno napravo. V našem delu je poudarjena komunikacija po mobilnem omrežju. Komunikacija po mobilnem omrežju z uporabo enega izmed omenjenih telemetrijskih protokolov je primerna predvsem za krajevno oddaljene procese, kjer fizični komunikacijski sistem ni vzpostavljen. V magistrskem delu so predstavljene glavne lastnosti vodenja oddaljenih procesov in lastnosti protokola DNP3 in protokola IEC 60870-5, ki sta bila razvita posebej za komunikacijo z oddaljenimi procesi. Opisan je program za komunikacijo telemetrijske enote ME RTU s PLK-jem in nadzorno napravo. Na podlagi uspešno razvitega programa za komunikacijo so bila opravljena testiranja nekaterih funkcij, ki jih omogoča telemetrijska enota ME RTU z uporabo protokola DNP3 ali protokola IEC 60870-5. Rezultati testiranj so potrdili delovanje funkcij. Navedeni so konkretni primeri uporabe telemetrijske enote ME RTU in primeri, v katerih njena uporaba ni primerna.

Keywords:telemetrijska enota, protokol DNP3, protokol IEC 60870-5, PLK, daljinsko vodenje, mobilno omrežje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107826 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.05.2019
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Title:Remote control of processes using the ME-RTU telemetry unit
The thesis presents the ME RTU telemetry unit, which is used as a communication link between a PLC and a control device. The ME RTU telemetry unit enables several ways of communication with a control device by employing communication protocols DNP3 or IEC 60870-5. The thesis focuses on communication over the mobile network. Such a communication is particularly suitable for remote process control, especially on locations where physical communication network is not established. The thesis deals with the main attributes of remote process control and the main features of protocol DNP3 and protocol IEC 60870-5, which were developed specifically for remote-process communication. The program for communication of the ME RTU telemetry unit with the PLC and control device is described. The functions that are supported by the ME RTU telemetry unit using protocol DNP3 or protocol IEC 60870-5 have been tested. The test results have confirmed the performance of those functions. Several specific examples of practical application of the ME RTU telemetry unit are treated. Furthermore, some examples for which the use of the ME RTU telemetry unit is not suitable are discussed.

Keywords:telemetry unit, DNP3 protocol, IEC 60870-5 protocol, PLC, remote control, mobile network

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