
Pomen skupnostnih prostorov: javne dnevne sobe z vidika uporabnikov
ID Ločniškar, Helena (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5726/ This link opens in a new window

Poglavitni namen magistrskega dela je opredeliti vlogo oblike skupnostnega dela v skupnostnih prostorih ter z vidika vsebine, vlog vključenih deležnikov in pomena za skupnost raziskati to novo prakso. Uporabniki so zainteresirani člani skupnosti, sicer prebivalci soseske ali bloka z javnimi stanovanji in bivalnimi enotami, kar nakazuje njihovo stanovanjsko in z njo povezano družbeno ranljivost. Ta oblika dela poteka kot del antideložacijskega programa; na izvedbeni ravni je usmerjena v zaznane potrebe uporabnikov in je javno dostopna. Uporabljen raziskovalni pristop v raziskavi je kvalitativni, z intervjuji so bili zbrani podatki od predstavnikov vseh deležnikov (skupnosti, društva in javnega stanovanjskega sklada). Opravljeni sta bili tudi analiza delovnih poročil in kvantitativna analiza evidenc obiskovanja. Ugotovitve kažejo, da so skupnostni prostori preventivno naravnani z vidika sodelovanja uporabnikov in delavcev društva in z vidika vzpodbujanja aktivnega preživljanja prostega časa ter povezovanja zainteresiranih članov skupnosti. Splošna usmerjenost skupnostnega delovanja omogoča fleksibilno, celostno in nedeficitarno delovanje v življenjskem prostoru uporabnikov. V času rednih srečanj aktivnosti in procesi potekajo organizirano in spontano, za mlajše najpogosteje gibalne in ustvarjalne aktivnosti, kuhanje, prosto igranje in pogovori, za odrasle pa druženje in pogovor ter čas za sprostitev. Za skupnost je to mesto spoznavanja in prijetna skupna točka vključenih, ki popestri lokalno dogajanje in spodbuja medsebojne stike v soseski.

Keywords:skupnostno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12437321 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Significance of community spaces: public living rooms from the users’ perspective
The thesis aims to define the role of community work in community spaces and to research the new practice from the perspectives of its contents, of the included parties’ roles, and of its significance for the community. The users are the interested members of the community living in a neighborhood or a block of flats with public apartments and smaller housing units; their housing situation indicates their housing vulnerability which relates to their social vulnerability. The practice of community spaces is a part of an anti-eviction program. On the level of implementation, it is directed towards the recognized needs of the users and it is publicly accessible. The research approach is qualitative, the data was gathered from the representatives of all parties (community, association and public housing fund) by interviews. Additionally, an analysis of work reports as well as a quantitative analysis of participation records were made. The findings illustrate that the community spaces are prevention-oriented because they encourage the cooperation of the users and the association’s workers, they promote spending free time actively and connecting with other interested members of the community. The generic type of community work is oriented towards a flexible and comprehensive work which is not focused on deficits and which takes place in the users’ lifeworld. During the regular meetings, the activities and the processes are both organized and spontaneous; the younger users get involved in sports and creative activities, cooking, free play and conversations while the adults come for socializing, conversations and relaxation. The community space is a place of meeting new people and a pleasant common spot for the involved which diversifies local activities and atmosphere while encouraging people to get in contact with others from the community.

Keywords:community work

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