
Sedimentologija in stratigrafija jurskih plasti na Matajurju
ID Udovč, Jan (Author), ID Rožič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu magistrskega dela sem opisal in stratigrafsko umestil zaporedje apnenčevih breč na območju Matajurja. Ožje raziskovano območje obsega severno pobočje Matajurja, ki se nahaja približno 5 km jugovzhodno od Kobarida. Strukturno gledano, se območje nahaja na prehodu Zunanjih Dinaridov in Južnih Alp. Najverjetneje pripada Trnovskemu pokrovu, ki je del Zunanjih Dinaridov. Trnovski pokrov sestavljajo mezozojske kamnine Dinarske karbonatne platforme. Severni rob platforme, kamor spadajo tudi kamnine na Matajurju, je začel razpadati in se pogrezati že v juri, zato so razvoji od takrat dalje podobni južnim razvojem v Slovenskem bazenu, vendar pa močno kondenzirani, z več stratigrafskimi vrzelmi in v splošnem bolj apnenčasti. Na obravnavanem območju sem reambuliral in razširil predhodno izdelano geološko karto in posnel dva detajlna sedimentološka profila. Profila zajemata večino jurskega in del krednega zaporedja, ki sem ga nato še mikrofacielno analiziral. S pomočjo foraminifer sem določil starost jurskih plasti in približno opredelil tudi starost krednih formacij. Jurski razvoji se na Matajurju začnejo s plitvomorskimi ooidnimi apnenci spodnjejurske starosti. Sledi globjemorsko zaporedje mikritnih apnencev srednje do zgornjejurske starosti, ki vsebuje tudi dve plasti apnenčeve breče, ki sta osrednji predmet raziskave. Nad brečo so odloženi plastnati kalkareniti in mikritni apnenci z roženci, ki nato postopoma preidejo v mikritne apnence tipa biancone, s čimer se jursko zaporedje zaključi. Na njih erozijsko diskordatno nalegajo spodnjekredne breče, kalkareniti in mikritni apnenci z roženci, ki jim sledijo rdeči laporasti apnenci tipa scaglia rossa. Zaporedje se zaključi z zgornjekrednim flišom, ki se začne z bazalno apnenčevo brečo, višje pa sledi flišni razvoj s posameznimi megaplastmi apnenčeve breče. S pomočjo foraminifere Protopeneroplis striata Weynschenk, najdene v vezivu apnenčeve breče, sem nastanek prvih dveh plasti apnenčeve breče časovno omejil na srednjo juro. Njihov nastanek je pogojen s proženjem drobirskih tokov z razpadajočega severnega roba Dinarske karbonatne platforme in se korelira z enako starimi apnenčevimi blokovnimi brečami, katerim sledimo vzdolž celotnega južnega obrobja Slovenskega bazena. Razlika je le, da so gravitacijski dogodki na Matajurju manjših dimenzij.

Keywords:Zunanji Dinaridi, Južne Alpe, srednja jura, apnenčeva breča, Slovenski bazen, Dinarska karbonatna platforma.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107778 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1485406 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2019
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Title:Sedimentology and stratigraphy of Jurassic succession from Mt. Matajur
In the master's thesis, I described and stratigraphically placed the sequence of limestone breccias around the area of Mt. Matajur. The area of research is located on the northern slope of the mountain, about 5 km southeast of Kobarid (NW Slovenia). Structurally, the area is located at the transition between the External Dinarides and the Southern Alps. The area most likely belongs to the External Dinarides, more specifically to the Trnovo Nappe. The latter consists of the Mesozoic succession of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. The northern edge of the platform, where the succession preserved on Mt. Matajur was likely positioned, has already begun to disintegrate and drown in the Jurassic. For this reason, the post-drowning developments of the Mt Matajur area are generally similar to those of the southern margin of the Slovenian Basin, but are more condensed, show more stratigraphic gaps, and are generally more calcareous. I reambulated and expanded the pre-existing geological map of the Mt Matajur area and logged two detailed sedimentological sections, covering most of the Jurassic and part of the Cretaceous succession. The field work was followed by a microfacies analysis. The Jurassic formations were dated on the basis of foraminifers. Jurassic succession of the Mt. Matajur begins with the Lower Jurassic, shallow-marine ooidic limestone, followed by the deep-marine limestone sequence of Middle to Upper Jurassic age, including two layers of limestone breccias, which are the main subject of this research. The breccias are overlain by calcarenites and cherty micritic limestones, which gradually turn into the Bianconetype micritic limestone that terminates the Jurassic sequence. Following unconformity, Lower Cretaceous limestone breccias, calcarenites and micritic limestones with cherts deposited, followed by red Scaglia rossa type limestone. The sequence ends with the uppermost Cretaceous flysch that begins with basal limestone breccia that is followed upwards by a flysch development, which still contains limestone-brecciamegabeds. The limestone breccia unit is Middle Jurassic in age, as determined by foraminifer Protopeneroplis striata Weynschenk. These beds formed by debris flows that originated from the disintegrating northern margin of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. It correlates with the limestone blocky breccias of the same age, which deposited along the entire southern margin of the Slovenian Basin, with the difference that the gravitational events on Mt. Matajur are of smaller dimensions.

Keywords:External Dinarides, Southern Alps, Middle Jurassic, limestone breccia, Slovenian Basin, Dinaric Carbonate Platform.

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