
Oktobrska revolucija: revolucija ali državni udar?
ID Perko, Manca (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo prikazuje in opisuje dogodke, ki so se vrstili v Rusiji v letu 1917 in so na koncu pripeljali do vsem znane oktobrske revolucije. Poskuša ugotoviti, ali se je dejansko zgodila revolucija, ali pa so boljševiki na čelu z Leninom izpeljali državni udar. Delo pokaže, da je boljševistični stranki po nekaj srečnih naključjih, dobri taktiki in številnih Leninovih pritiskih na vodilne v stranki uspelo izpeljati udar. Poskusov, da bi se povzpeli na oblast je bilo več, vendar jim je parkrat spodletelo. Da bi prišli na oblast, si je Lenin kar nekajkrat želel iti na vse ali nič, vendar so bili na srečo boljševikov v stranki na vodilnih položajih bolj previdni in sposobni ljudje, med drugim tudi Trocki, ki je morda prevečkrat v senci Lenina. Naloga zajema glavne dogodke, ki so se zgodili v Rusiji leta 1917 in ki so povezani z oktobrskim prevzemom oblasti s strani boljševikov ter tudi nujno potrebni za razumevanje samega delovanja boljševistične stranke. V delu je prikazano, kako so boljševiki brez vednosti prebivalcev Rusije opravili z ministrskim predsednikom in ministri začasne vlade, prevzeli oblast v Rusiji in s tem dogodkom, ki ga poznamo kot oktobrsko revolucijo, Rusijo pripeljali do novega začetka.

Keywords:revolucija, udar, boljševiki, začasna vlada, Lenin, Rusija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.05.2019
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Secondary language

Title:October revolution: revolution or a coup d'état?
This diploma thesis shows and describes events that occurred in Russia in 1917 and led to the October Revolution. It tries to ascertain, whether a revolution actually happened or whether it was merely a coup d'état, carried out by Bolsheviks and their leader Lenin. This thesis shows that the Bolshevik Party was able to execute a coup due to a series of lucky coincidences, efficient strategies and numerous attempts by Lenin to put pressure on the party leaders. There were many attempts to ascend to power, but they were not successful. In order to gain power, Lenin sometimes wanted to go all out, but the party leaders, including Trocki, who is often overshadowed by Lenin, were more careful and competent. This thesis includes the main events that happened in Russia in 1917, that are connected to the Bolsheviks’ government take-over and which are essential in understanding how the Bolshevik Party was run. It is shown in the thesis, how the Bolsheviks dealt with the ministry president and the ministers of the interim government in order to gain control, without the citizens’ knowledge, and how they brought Russia to a new beginning with an event, now commonly known as the October Revolution.

Keywords:revolution, coup, Bolsheviks, interim government, Lenin, Russia

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