
ID ŠIVIC, NEŽA (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razvoj krožnega gospodarstva je aktualna tema, ki spodbuja konkurenčnost, pripomore k gospodarski rasti in tako potrošnikom zagotovi bolj inovativne proizvode z daljšim rokom trajanja. Ustvarja tudi pomembne prihranke, inovativne koristi, delovna mesta in priložno-sti za učinkovitejšo rabo virov. Cilj krožnega gospodarstva temelji na konceptu pozitivnega snovnega kroga, ki teži k ponovni uporabi in recikliranju obstoječih izdelkov in materialov, kjer podjetja lahko ustvarjajo poslovne priložnosti in privabljajo zasebno financiranje. V delu je predstavljen model krožnega gospodarstva in sicer njegov izvor, šole, pričakovane koristi, težave, s katerimi se sooča pri uveljavljanju modela, primeri dobrih praks, prednosti in ovire. Predstavljeni so statistični podatki o količini odpadkov v Sloveniji in gospodarno ravnanje podjetij z njihovo obdelavo. Primeri dobrih praks v podjetjih, ki so v svojih poslov-nih procesih uvedla gospodarno ravnanje z odpadki, so dokaz, kako se z različnimi možnosti ravnanja z odpadki, in konceptom krožnega delovanja, lahko poveča dobiček in prihrani pri surovinah. Namen dela je predstaviti razvoj in vpliv krožnega gospodarstva na gospodarske koristi v Sloveniji in z metodo primerjalne analize dobrih praks drugih držav, podrobneje z Dansko, opisati razloge, zakaj je Danska učinkovitejša pri izvajanju krožnega gospodarstva kot Slovenija. Delo pripomore k razumevanju koncepta krožnega gospodarstva, k gospodarnemu ravna-nju z viri in poda rešitve za dosego trajnejšega sistema. Skozi koncept krožnega gospodar-stva lahko raziščemo, da krožno gospodarstvo prispeva k učinkovitejši rabi virov in gospo-darskim koristim, ustvarja konkurenčno prednost za razvoj novih tehnologij in storitev ter zagotavlja večjo učinkovitost in prihranke pri stroških in energiji.

Keywords:krožno gospodarstvo, razvoj, gospodarske koristi, trajnost, uporaba virov, odpadki, ponovna uporaba, inovacije, Republika Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107744 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.05.2019
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The development of a circular economy is a topical issue that promotes competitiveness, contributing to economic growth, thus providing consumers with more innovative products with longer shelf life. It also creates significant savings, innovative benefits, jobs and opportunities for more efficient use of resources. The goal of the circular economy is based on the concept of a positive material circle that is directed towards the reuse, repair and recycling of existing materials and products where SMEs are particularly active, creating business opportunities and attracting private financing. The paper presents the model of a circular economy, namely its origin, schools, expected benefits, problems it faces in implementing the model, examples of good practices, advantages and obstacles. Statistics on the amount of waste in Slovenia and the economic behavior of companies with their processing are presented. Examples of good practices in companies that have introduced economical waste management in their business processes are evidence that with different waste management options and the concept of circular operation, profits can be increased and savings in raw materials. The purpose of the paper is to present the development and influence of the circular economy on the economic benefits in Slovenia and the method of comparative analysis of good practices of other countries, in particular with Denmark, to describe the reasons why Denmark is more effective in implementing a circular economy than Slovenia. This work helps to understand the concept of a circular economy, to manage resource efficiently and to provide a solution to achieve a more sustainable system. Through the concept of a circular economy, we can explore that the circular economy contributes to more efficient use of resources and economic benefits, creates a competitive advantage for the development of new technologies and services, and provides greater efficiency and cost savings and energy.

Keywords:circular economy, development, economic benefits, sustainability, use of re-sources, waste, reuse, innovation, Republic of Slovenia

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