
ID CVERLIN, LUCIJAN (Author), ID Tomaževič, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zavzetost zaposlenih vpliva na učinkovitost opravljanja dela, na uspešnost poslovanja ter uresničevanja zadanih ciljev združb. Na zavzetost zaposlenih vplivajo različni dejavniki. V magistrskem delu so zbrani in predstavljeni vidiki in dejavniki zavzetosti, kot jih opredeljuje akademska znanost, ter dejavniki zavzetosti, kot si jih tolmačijo združbe v praksi. Zavzetost zaposlenih v izbrani organizaciji javnega sektorja je bila proučevana na podlagi anketiranja zaposlenih na vseh ravneh. Za potrebe primerjave je bil uporabljen strukturiran anketni vprašalnik, ki ga za oceno zavzetosti zaposlenih vsako leto uporabijo v izbrani tuji organizaciji. V ta namen je bil anketni vprašalnik ustrezno preveden in posredovan v reševanje 25 naključno izbranim organizacijskim enotam v sestavi izbrane organizacije javnega sektorja. V izvedeni raziskavi je sodelovalo 9 % vseh zaposlenih. Dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na zavzetost zaposlenih, ni vedno preprosto zagotoviti, zato je visoko stopnjo zavzetosti zaposlenih relativno težko doseči. Stopnja zavzetosti se je v magistrskem delu ugotavljala v strogo hierarhično organiziranem sistemu, v katerem so delovne naloge določene glede na delovno mesto in formacijsko dolžnost. Zaradi velikega števila vodij v takšnem sistemu se ugotavlja, da ravno ti igrajo pomembno vlogo pri zagotavljanju zavzetosti. Raziskava zavzetosti zaposlenih je bila v takšnem obsegu v izbrani organizaciji javnega sektorja izvedena prvič. Analiza rezultatov raziskave in mednarodna primerjava sta lahko v pomoč pri nadaljnjih raziskavah na tem področju, priporočene izboljšave pa lahko služijo kot podlaga za izboljšanje trenutnega stanja v izbrani organizaciji javnega sektorja.

Keywords:zavzetost zaposlenih, dejavniki zavzetosti, vodja, izbrana organizacija javnega sektorja, izbrana tuja organizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107741 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.05.2019
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Secondary language

Employee engagement affects both work and operation performance as well as the success of the organization in realization of its goals. Different factors influence employee engagement. In the following master's thesis are presented aspects and factors of employee engagement as they are defined by academic community and as they are interpreted by organizations. Employee engagement in the selected public sector organization was determined by a survey. For comparison purposes the questionnaire used in the executed research is the same as questionnaire of employee engagement annually used by a selected foreign organization. The questionnaire was submitted to 25 randomly selected organizational units within the the selected public sector organization and resulted in 9 % response rate of all employees. Factors that influence employee engagement in positive manner are not always easy to ensure; therefore, a high level of employee engagement is relatively difficult to achieve. In this master's thesis the level of employee engagement that is being determined derives from a strictly hierarchically organized system in which work tasks of the employees are determined by their workplace and formation duty. Such hierarchically organized system contains a large number of leaders on all levels and the findings of this thesis will show that they play an important role in ensuring employee enagement. In the selected public sector organization the survey of employee engagement of such extent was performed for the first time. Survey results, their analysis and comparison with survey results of selected foreign organization can help with further researches in this area and can serve as a basis for improving the current situation in the chosen organization.

Keywords:employee engagement, engagement factors, leader, selected public sector organization, selected foreign organization

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