
Pravni vidiki zmanjšanja potrošnje plastičnih vrečk v Republiki Sloveniji
ID Šljivić, Marko (Author), ID Pličanič, Senko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izdelki iz plastike se lahko uporabijo na tisoče načinov, vendar je njihova neodgovorna potrošnja pripeljala do številnih posledic, ki postajajo šele sedaj dobro vidne. Plastične vrečke predstavljajo le majhen delež vseh plastičnih odpadkov, a so zaradi svoje vseprisotnosti in brezplačnosti, popoln odraz prej omenjene neodgovorne potrošnje. Iz teh razlogov so številne države začele sprejemati ukrepe, katerih namen je zmanjšati potrošnjo plastičnih vrečk. Na videz enostavno rešitev zaplete dejstvo, da ima vsak ukrep svoje prednosti in omejitve, zato zmanjšanje potrošnje praviloma ni mogoče doseči samo z enim ukrepom, ampak z njihovo kombinacijo. Dodatno k temu pripomore tudi vpliv industrije plastike, ki nasprotuje vsakršnemu omejevanju potrošnje plastičnih vrečk. Za uspešno zmanjšanje potrošnje plastičnih vrečk bo potrebno skupno in usklajeno ravnanje na vseh ravneh, od proizvodnje do potrošnje ter pri vseh vmesnih akterjih. Takšen pristop je izbrala Evropska unija, v kateri se ne osredotočajo le na proizvodnjo in potrošnjo, ampak tudi na preostale dele življenjskega kroga plastičnih vrečk. Hkrati se zavedajo, da so plastične vrečke le del problema, zato želijo zmanjšati tudi potrošnjo ostalih plastičnih proizvodov za enkratno uporabo ter preiti v krožno gospodarstvo. Za zmanjšanje potrošnje plastičnih vrečk je bila v Evropski uniji sprejeta posebna direktiva, na podlagi katere so države članice izbrale ukrep, s katerim bodo ta cilj dosegle. Večina držav članic se je odločila za ekonomske ukrepe. Med njimi je tudi Slovenija. Čeprav je trenutno veljavna ureditev prinesla določene rezultate, je deležna številnih kritik, saj bi lahko bila bolj ambiciozna. Tako se tudi na tem področju pokaže že večkrat viden pojav, ko Slovenija zgolj slepo sledi trendom, namesto da bi jih sama ustvarjala.

Keywords:plastika, plastične vrečke, posledice potrošnje plastičnih vrečk, ukrepi za zmanjšanje potrošnje, Evropska unija, Slovenija, Direktiva (EU) 2015/720, Uredba o ravnanju z embalažo in odpadno embalažo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107703 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:226497283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.05.2019
ŠLJIVIĆ, Marko, 2019, Pravni vidiki zmanjšanja potrošnje plastičnih vrečk v Republiki Sloveniji [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Legal aspects of reducing the consumption of plastic bags in the Republic of Slovenia
Plastic products can be used in thousands of ways, but their irresponsible consumption has led to consequences, many of which are only now becoming visible. Although plastic bags represent only a small percentage of all plastic waste they are, due to their ubiquity and the fact that they are free of charge, the perfect reflection of the aforementioned irresponsible consumption. For these reasons, a number of countries have started to take measures aimed at reducing the consumption of plastic bags. A seemingly simple solution is complicated by the fact that each measure has its own advantages and limitations, which is why a reduction in consumption cannot be achieved only with one measure but with their combination. Adding to the complication is the plastics industry’s opposition to any limitation on the consumption of plastic bags. In order to successfully reduce the consumption of plastic bags, a joint and coordinated practice will be needed at all levels, from production to consumption, and from all intermediate players. This approach was chosen by the European Union, which focuses not only on production and consumption, but also on the remaining parts of the life-cycle of plastic bags. At the same time, they are also aware of the fact that plastic bags are only part of the problem, and therefore they also want to reduce the consumption of other plastic disposable products and to achieve the transition into the circular economy. In order to reduce the consumption of plastic bags, a special directive was adopted in the European Union, on the basis of which Member States chose a measure to achieve this goal. Most Member States have opted for economic measures. Among them is Slovenia. Although our current legislation has yielded certain results, it has received numerous criticisms, due to the lack of ambitiousness, especially considering the damage caused by plastic bags to the environment and the support of the public for more stringent measures. Thus, a phenomenon which is often seen is repeated. Slovenia is blindly following trends instead of creating them.

Keywords:plastics, plastic bags, consequences of consumption of plastic bags, measures of reducing consumption, European Union, Slovenia, Directive (EU) 2015/720, Decree on packaging and packaging waste handling

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