
Vpliv okoljskih dejavnikov na združbo makroinvertebratov v izbranih kalih alpskega območja
ID Slemenšek, Lucija (Author), ID Zelnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu magistrskega dela smo proučevali okoljske razmere in zdruţbo makroinvertebratov v 16 kalih, ki smo jih izbrali v alpskem svetu, na nadmorski višini od 1129 do 1724 m. Ugotavljali smo kako okoljski dejavniki vplivajo na zdruţbo makroinvertebratov v kalih. Kale smo vzorčili julija in avgusta leta 2016. Pri vsakem kalu smo pregledali okoljske dejavnike, kot so raba tal v prispevnem območju, dostop krav do kala, poteptanost brega, nadmorska višina, oddaljenost od drugih kalov itd. Hkrati smo izmerili tudi hidromorfološke in fizikalno kemijske dejavnike ter vzeli vzorce vode za nadaljne fizikalne in kemijske analize v laboratoriju. Makroinvertebrate smo vzorčili z ročno mreţo. Vpliv okoljskih dejavnikov na vrstno sestavo zdruţbe makroinvertebratov smo preverjali s kanonično korespondenčno analizo (CCA). Korelacije med okoljskimi dejavniki in strukturo zdruţbe mikroinvertebratov smo preverjali s Spearmanovim korelacijskim koeficientom. V vzorcih smo našli 121.315 osebkov makroinvertebratov. Uvrstili smo jih v 17 druţin, ki spadajo v 10 višjih taksonov. Ugotovili smo, da intenzivnost rabe tal statistično značilno prispeva k pestrosti taksonov v kalih. Manj intenzivna kot je bila raba tal v oţjem prispevnem območju, večja je bila pestrost v kalih in bolj intenzivna kot je bila raba tal, več je bilo osebkov iz istih taksonov, največ iz taksona Diptera in Oligochaeta. Poleg rabe tal sta bila pomembna še prosojnost vode in vsebnost skupnega dušika (TN).

Keywords:kali, ekosistemi, biodiverziteta, alpsko območje, makroinvertebrati, okolje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107677 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5068879 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.05.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of environmental factors on macroinvertebrate community in selected karst ponds of the alpine region
Influence of environmental factors on macroinvertebrate community in 16 alpine ponds at altitude 1129 to 1724 m were investigated. Ponds were sampled in August 2016. Environmental factors, such as land use in the catchment area, cattle access to the pond, the extent and intensity of trampling of the banks, altitude, distances to nearby ponds etc. were observed. Simultaneously, hydromorphological, physical and chemical factors were measured. Water samples were taken to laboratory for further physical and chemical analyses. Macroinvertebrates were sampled with a hand net. Influence of the environmental factors on structure of macroinvertebrate community was examined with multivariate analyses (CCA). Relations between environmental factors and structure of the macroinvertebrate community were calculated using Spearman correlation on ranks. 121.315 individuals were found in the samples. They were classified into 17 families that belonged to 10 higher taxonomic groups. We can conclude that the land use intensity significantly contributes to taxonomic diversity in ponds. The less intense was the land use in the catchment area, the more diverse were the ponds. Moreover, the more intense was the land use, the higher were the number of individuals belonging to the same taxons, mostly Diptera and Oligochaeta. Beside the land use, water transparency and total nitrogen content (TN) were also important factors.

Keywords:ponds, ecosistems, biodiverzity, alpine region, macroinvertebrats, enviroment

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