
Preoblikovalne lastnosti pločevine s satovjem
ID Pušavec, Žan (Author), ID Pepelnjak, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pločevina s satovjem je aluminijev kompozit, ki se uporablja kot strukturna konstrukcija lahkih transportnih sistemov ter pri gradnji notranjih in zunanjih konstrukcij. Glavna prednost aluminijastih kompozitnih plošč je njihova majhna masa in visoka togost, kar je tudi razlog za njihovo uporabo. Kompozitno ploščo sestavljata dve pločevini, ki sta nalepljeni na jedro iz satovja. Kompozitne plošče se lahko režejo, vrtajo, stiskajo in upogibajo. Običajno upogibamo samo kompozitne plošče do debeline 10 mm. Pri kompozitnih ploščah večjih debelin pa nastane problem preoblikovanja satovja do take mere, da ta ne opravlja več svoje funkcije oziroma pride do porušitve samega kompozita. Problem pri pločevinah vseh vrst materialov in oblik je anizotropija, t.j. pojav, ko ima material, zaradi valjanja, različne lastnosti v različnih smereh. To lahko posledično vpliva tudi na lastnosti samega kompozita. Vpliv anizotropije na kompozitno ploščo, sestavljeno iz dveh pločevin s satovjem, smo analizirali s krivljenjem vzorcev v dveh medsebojno pravokotnih smereh. Ugotovili smo, da na anizotropijo celotne kompozitne plošče najbolj vplivata osnovni plošči. Pri kompozitnih ploščah je zelo pomembna smer njihove montaže, in sicer zaradi načina izdelave satovja.

Keywords:pločevina s satovjem aluminij natezni preizkus upogibni preizkus anizotropija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Pušavec]
Number of pages:XX, 46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107670 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16626971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.05.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Forming properties of sandwich panels
Aluminium composite panel with a thin walled honeycomb core is used as a structure for light transport systems and for building of indoor and outdoor constructions. Their main advantage is small mass and high rigidity, which is the main reason for their usage. Composite panel is composed of two aluminium sheets, which are glued on to the honeycomb core. These panels can be drilled, cut, pressed and bent. Usually we just bend panels with thickness below 10 mm. If we try to bend panels with a higher thickness, we risk the deformation of honeycomb structure to such measure that it loses its function. Or in some cases we can even cause its destruction. Problem with most sheet metal materials is anisotropy. Anisotropy is a phenomenom when a material has different properties in different directions, because of its manufacturing process (rolling). This can also affect the properties of composite panel. We tested the effects of anisotropy by bending multiple samples from two perpendicular directions. We discovered that the honeycomb core has the most impact on the anisotropy of a panel. When installing aluminium panels it is very important to keep an eye on the direction of mounting because of core design.

Keywords:sandwich panel aluminium tensile strength test bending test anisotropy

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