
Bibliometrijska analiza revije Knjižnica v obdobju 2011 - 2016 : magistrsko delo
ID Zupančič, Anika (Author), ID Južnič, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ob šestdeseti obletnici revije Knjižnica je bila opravljena kvantitativna bibliometrijska analiza revije v zadnjih šestih letih (2011-2016). Analiza vključuje lastnosti objav, različne analize avtorstva in analizo citiranja in tako nadaljuje tradicijo bibliometrijskih analiz, ki so bile opravljene v preteklih letih. Rezultati so na različne načine informativni: o avtorjih, njihovih ustanovah in državah ter analiza citatov iz revij Knjižnica. Analizirani so bili samo dokumenti, označeni kot "raziskovalni", torej so rezultat raziskovalnega dela. Rezultati se nanašajo na število objav od leta 2011 do leta 2016, produktivnost avtorjev, vzorec avtorstva in soavtorstva, predmetna področja objav ter analizo referenc in citiranje virov. Analiza v tem magistrskem delu zagotavlja pregled trenutnega stanja raziskovanja na področju bibliotekarske in informacijske znanosti v Sloveniji, glede na podatke, ki jih je mogoče zbrati z neposrednim pregledom objav osrednje strokovne in znanstvene revije.

Keywords:bibliometrija, knjižnice, analize revij, analize citiranja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Zupančič]
Number of pages:79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:68565858 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.05.2019
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At seventy anniversary of the publication Knjižnica an analysis of the journal bibliometric dimension was made, including contributor attributes, various author rankings, and citation impact. This paper reports on the results of quantitative bibliometric analysis of the last six years (2011-2016) of the Slovenian professional journal in the field of Library and information science and is based on the long tradition of Knjižnica's bibliometric analysis. These results are informative in various ways including authors, their institutions and countries and the analysis of citations from the journal. Only papers labelled as "research" were analysed. (1) The article productivity of the journal from 2011 to 2016, (2) the authorship productivity, identification and listing of core authors; (3) the authorship and co-authorship pattern; (4) the subject areas of published papers; (5) the citation analysis of resources referenced as well as their age. Due to the amount of papers with historical scope, some of the analysis was hard to perform. This research work provides an overview of the current state of LIS research journal publishing in Slovenia, focusing on data of the kind that may be collected by directly examining the published issues of the journal itself.

Keywords:bibliometrcs, libraries, journal analysis, citation analysis

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