
Sukcesija kolonizacije korenin vrste Lolium perenne L. z arbuskularnimi mikoriznimi glivami po postopku remediacije tal
ID Rajniš, Tatjana (Author), ID Maček, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šibanc, Nataša (Comentor)

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Tla so omejen vir, pogosto onesnažen s težkimi kovinami. V nalogi smo preučili vpliv remediacije tal na parametre kolonizacije rastlinskih korenin z arbuskularnimi mikoriznimi (AM) glivami in septiranimi endofiti (SE), v povezavi z različnimi tipi tal. Zasnovali smo lončni poskus v katerem smo uporabili kisla tla iz Arnoldsteina (Avstrija) in karbonatna tla iz Mežiške doline (Slovenija). Polovico originalnih (s težkimi kovinami onesnaženih) tal 'orig' obeh lokacij smo remediirali 'rem' s kelatnim ligandom etilendiamin tetraocetna kislina (EDTA), ki učinkovito odstrani težke kovine iz tal. Z namenov revitalizacije tal smo v lonce posejali rastline trpežne ljuljke (Lolium perenne L.) in 'orig' ter 'rem' tlom dodali tudi inokulum (rizosferna tla), ki izvira iz biodiverzitetno bogatega, neonesnaženega območja (Savlje). V nalogi predstavljamo podatke o mikoriznem potencialu v 'orig' in 'rem' tleh in o mikoriznem potencialu v 'orig' in 'rem' tleh z dodanim inokulumom. Primerjali smo podatke o kolonizaciji z AM in SE glivami v dveh časovnih obdobjih (2016 in 2017). Opazili smo, da se je mikoriza pri nekaterih rastlinah vzpostavila po cca. 4 mesecih od setve rastlin Lolium perenne L. (setev, 11. 7. 2016). V letu 2017 (četrto vzorčenje, 17. 11. 2017) je bila kolonizacija zaznana pri vseh obravnavanjih. Ugotovili smo, da so imela remediirana avstrijska tla značilno večjo kolonizacijo korenin Lolium perenne L. z AM glivami kot neremediirana tla, medtem ko smo pri slovenskih tleh opazili ravno obratno. Dodatek inokuluma (rizosferna tla) ni imel vpliva na večjo kolonizacijo AM gliv v koreninah rastlin.

Keywords:AM glive, DSE, onesnažena tla, Glomeromycota, potencialno toksične kovine, remediacija, revitalizacija, Lolium perenne, inokulum
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Rajniš]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107625 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9202809 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.05.2019
RAJNIŠ, Tatjana, 2019, Sukcesija kolonizacije korenin vrste Lolium perenne L. z arbuskularnimi mikoriznimi glivami po postopku remediacije tal [online]. Master’s thesis. T. Rajniš. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Succession of root colonisation of species Lolium perenne L. with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi after soil remediation process
Soil is a limited resource often polluted by heavy metals. The study examined the effect of remediation on fungal parameters in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and septate endophytes (SE), in association with different soil types. We designed a pot experiment in which we used acidic soil from Arnoldstein (Austria) and carbonate soil from the Mežica valley (Slovenia). Half of the original (heavy metal polluted) soils of both sites were remediated with EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), which effectively removes heavy metals from the polluted soil. With the purpose of revitalizing the soil, we planted the plants of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), and we also added an inoculum (rhizosphere from a nearby grassland). The paper presents data on the mycorrhizal potential of AM fungi and SE in original and remediated soil and the mycorrhic potential of AM fungi and SE in original and remediated soil with added inoculum. We compared the data of the presence of AM fungi parameters in two time periods (2016 and 2017). We observed that mycorrhiza in some plants was established after about 4 months after sowing the plants of Lolium perenne L. (sowing, July 11, 2016). In 2017 (fourth sampling, 17 November 2017), colonization was detected in all treatments. We found that the remediated Austrian soil had significantly higher colonization of the roots of Lolium perenne L. with AM fungi as non remediated soil, while in the Slovene soil was observed exactly the opposite. The use of inoculum (rhizosphere soil) did not lead to a higher presence of AM fungi in the roots of plants.

Keywords:AM fungi, DSE, contaminated soil, glomeromycota, potentially toxic metals, remediation, revitalization, Lolium perenne, inoculum

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