
Vpliv programa 'Zavedaj se, spoštuj in spregovori' na stališča učencev o medvrstniškem nasilju
ID Novak, Nina (Author), ID Hočevar, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podgornik, Vesna (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo problematiko medvrstniškega nasilja na šolah, s posebnim poudarkom na preventivnih programih za preprečevanje medvrstniškega nasilja. Magistrska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu naloge na podlagi strokovne literature opredelimo medvrstniško nasilje, predstavimo njegove oblike in udeležence v medvrstniškem nasilju ter naštejemo temeljne vzroke, ki vodijo do tovrstnega nasilja. V nadaljevanju obravnavamo preventivne ukrepe pri preprečevanju medvrstniškega nasilja. Nato predstavimo nekatere obstoječe preventivne programe v Sloveniji, med katere sodi tudi preventivni program 'Zavedaj se, spoštuj in spregovori'. Ta se je v zadnjih treh letih izvajal na treh osnovnih šolah v Ljubljani, in na koncu teoretičnega dela ga podrobneje opišemo. V empiričnem delu naloge ugotavljamo vpliv omenjenega preventivnega programa na stališča učencev o medvrstniškem nasilju. Zanimalo nas je, ali prihaja do razlik v stališčih o medvrstniškem nasilju med učenci, ki so bili vključeni v preventivni program 'Zavedaj se, spoštuj in spregovori', in tistimi, ki v ta program niso bili vključeni. Kljub temu da smo od sedmih zastavljenih hipotez v celoti potrdili samo dve hipotezi, ugotovitve naše raziskave kažejo na to, da se pojavljajo manjše razlike v stališčih o medvrstniškem nasilju med vključenimi učenci in tistimi, ki niso bili vključeni v preventivni program 'Zavedaj se, spoštuj in spregovori'.

Keywords:medvrstniško nasilje, šola, preventivni programi za preprečevanje medvrstniškega nasilja, stališča učencev o medvrstniškem nasilju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107589 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of the program 'Be Aware, Respect and Speak' on points of students view about peer bullying
The master's thesis deals with the Influence of the program 'Be Aware, Respect and Speak' on points of view on peer bullying, as we deal with the problems of peer violence in schools, with special emphasis on preventive measures. The master's thesis consists of both theoretical and empirical work. In the theoretical part of the task, on the basis of professional literature we first define peer violence, then we present its forms and participants in peer violence and later on we present the underlying causes that lead to such violence. Below we discuss preventive responses on the issue of peer preasure. Afterwards we present some of the existing prevention programs in Slovenia, among which is the preventive program called 'Be Aware, Respect and Speak', which has been carried out in three primary schools in Ljubljana in the last three years, and at the end of the theoretical part we also present it in more detail. In the empirical part of the task, we determine the influence of this preventive program on students' attitudes towards peer violence. We have been interested in whether there are any differences in attitudes about peer violence among the pupils who participated in the program 'Be Aware, Respect and Speak' and those who didn’t. Nevertheless we only confirmed two hypothesis out of seven, foundings of our reasherch show that we can spot small differences between pupiles that were includet and the ones that werent includet in our preventive program 'Be Aware, Respect and Speak'.

Keywords:bullying, school, preventive programs, students' attitudes towards peer violence

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