
Projektiranje večetažne armiranobetonske stavbe v Ljubljani
ID DEŽMAN, ANDRAŽ (Author), ID Lopatič, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo na primeru armiranobetonske večstanovanjske stavbe pokazali proces projektiranja, ki je v skladu z veljavnimi standardi Evrokod. Gradnja obravnavane stavbe je predvidena v Ljubljani, natančneje na območju Rožne doline. Stavba obsega štiri etaže, med katerimi je vrhnja glede na preostale etaže manjših tlorisnih dimenzij in s tem ustvarja terasno etažo. Konstrukcijsko gledano ima stavba stenast konstrukcijski sistem. Medetažne plošče in plošča ravne strehe so predvidene kot polne armiranobetonske plošče. Za potrebe statične analize smo s programom za analizo gradbenih konstrukcij Scia Engineer pripravili računski model nosilne konstrukcije z ustreznimi robnimi pogoji in podanimi obtežbami. Rezultate analize smo uporabili za prikaz projektiranja značilne medetažne plošče. Za namen potresne analize smo računski model modificirali na način, da zajema vse zahteve za analizo iz standarda. Rezultati modalne analize so nam pokazali slabosti izhodiščne konstrukcijske zasnove, kar je privedlo do potrebe po vključevanju dodatnih nosilnih sten. Dobljene notranje statične količine smo uporabili za dimenzioniranje dveh sten, kjer smo večjo pozornost namenili izpolnjevanju pogojev glede duktilnosti sten v kritičnem območju. Za vse konstrukcijske elemente, ki smo jih tekom magistrske naloge podrobneje obravnavali, smo v zaključku pripravili armaturne načrte, za kar smo uporabili programsko opremo Allplan.

Keywords:statična analiza, potresna analiza, armiranobetonska konstrukcija, standardi Evrokod
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107565 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2019
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Title:Design of multi-storey reinforced concrete building in Ljubljana
In master thesis we took an example of multi-apartment concrete building and showed the design process of load-bearing structure in such building to current Eurocode standards. The construction of the building is foreseen in Ljubljana, in the area of Rožna dolina. The building consists of four floors, among which the top floor has in relation to the remaining floors smaller ground plan dimensions and thus creates a terraced floor. The building has in structural terms a wall system. Floor slabs and roof slab are planned to be solid reinforced concrete slabs. For the needs of static analysis, we prepared a calculation model of the structure with appropriate boundary conditions and given loads, where we used structural analysis program Scia Engineer. We used the results of the static analysis to present the design process of a typical floor slab. For the purpose of the seismic analysis, we modified the calculation model in such a way that it covered all the requirements for the analysis from the standard. The results of the modal analysis showed us the weak points of the initial structural design, which led to the use of additional load-bearing walls. The obtained internal forces were used for the dimensioning of two walls, where the most attention was paid to the fulfilment of the conditions for ductile walls in critical area. For all structural elements we dealt with in greater detail during the master thesis, we prepared the reinforcement plans by using the Allplan software.

Keywords:static analysis, seismic analysis, reinforced concrete structure, Eurocode standards

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