
Naravno pravo v slovenski ustavi - elementi pozitivnega prava izven poglavja o človekovih pravicah
ID Tomažič, Klara (Author), ID Bačlija Brajnik, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času so človekove pravice temeljni del vsake sodobne družbe. V Ustavi Republike Slovenije so opredeljene v drugem poglavju. V diplomskem delu smo si zastavili vprašanje: ali so človekove pravice izražene le v drugem poglavju ustave ali pa jih lahko najdemo tudi skozi celotno besedilo slovenske Ustave? Odgovor lahko najdemo skozi prizmonaravnega prava, ki se je razvilo v starem veku, pozitivnega prava, ki se je razvil v srednjem veku in razvoja prava na splošno, skozi različna zgodovinska obdobja - skozi ta razvoj smo pridobili tudi človekove pravice, kot jih poznamo danes. Pri preučevanju Ustave Republike Slovenije si bomo pomagali tudi z raznimi kategorizacijami človekovih pravic in trigeneracijskem razvoju človekovih pravic. Cilj naloge je ugotoviti, ali so se pravice prenesle iz poglavja o človekovih pravicah in lahko pravice zasledimo tudi v ostalih poglavjih ustave. Skozi pregled ustave smo v ostalih členih zasledili nadgradnjo pravic prve in druge generacije; prav tako pa zasledimo tudi pravice nove generacije oz. tretjo generacijo človekovih pravic.

Keywords:Človekove pravice, naravno pravo, ustava.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107497 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36120669 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2019
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Title:Natural law in the Slovenian Constitution - elements of positive law outside the chapter on human rights
In today's time, human rights are an essential part of every modern society. In the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, they are defined in Chapter 2. In this paper, we asked the question: are human rights only expressed in the second chapter of the Constitution or can they be found throughout the entire text of the Slovenian Constitution? The answer can be found in the natural law that developed in ancient times, the positive law that developed in the Middle Ages and the development of law in general through different time periods - it is through this development that we got the human rights that we know today. When examining the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, we will be examining various categorisations of human rights and the three-generation development of human rights. The goal is to determine whether rights have been transferred from the chapter on human rights to other chapters of the Constitution. Through the review of the Constitution, we found human rights of the first and second generation in other articles; we also found the third generation of human rights.

Keywords:Human rights, natural law, Constitution.

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