
Odnos do pornografskih vsebin pri mladostnikih in njihovih starših
ID Čepon, Sabina (Author), ID Fekonja, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raziskave kažejo, da so otroci in mladostniki zaradi razsežnosti interneta pri razmeroma nizki starosti in vedno pogosteje nenamerno in namerno izpostavljeni pornografskim vsebinam, o njih pa se le redko pogovarjajo z odraslimi osebami. Namen magistrske naloge je bil preučiti značilnosti nenamerne in namerne izpostavljenosti pornografskim vsebinam, odnos do pornografskih vsebin in značilnosti pogovora o njih pri slovenskih mladostnikih, starih od 11 do 15 let, in njihovih starših. V raziskavo sta bila vključena 302 udeleženca, od tega je bilo 138 parov mladostnikov in njihovih staršev, ter devet mladostnikov in 17 staršev brez para. Za namene raziskave smo sestavili sklop treh vprašalnikov, in sicer Vprašalnik izpostavljenosti pornografskim vsebinam (oblika za mladostnike in oblika za starše), Vprašalnik odnosa do pornografskih vsebin in Vprašalnik pogovora o pornografskih vsebinah (oblika za mladostnike in oblika za starše). Poleg sklopa treh vprašalnikov so udeleženci izpolnili kratek demografski vprašalnik. Rezultati so pokazali na visok odstotek slovenskih mladostnikov, ki so bili v zadnjih šestih mesecih nenamerno in/ali namerno izpostavljeni pornografskim vsebinam. Največ mladostnikov je bilo pornografskim vsebinam izpostavljenih na internetu, najpogostejša starost prvega srečanja z njimi pa je bila 10 let. Večina staršev je pravilno ocenila pogostost mladostnikove nenamerne izpostavljenosti, 39 % staršev pa tudi namerne. Ugotovili smo, da imajo slovenski mladostniki in njihovi starši pretežno nevtralen odnos do pornografskih vsebin, oboji pa so večinoma odprti za pogovor o njih. Več kot polovica staršev se je namreč s svojimi mladostniki že pogovorila o pornografskih vsebinah. Mladostniki pa so se o njih večinoma pogovarjali s svojimi vrstniki, pogosto pa tudi s svojimi starši. Raziskava kot ena izmed prvih v slovenskem okolju ponuja poglobljen pregled in razumevanje področja izpostavljenosti, odnosa do in pogovora o pornografskih vsebinah pri mladostnikih in njihovih starših, ter kot prva slovenska raziskava ozavešča pomen preventivnega pogovora o njih.

Keywords:mladostniki, starši, pornografija, stališča, pogovor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.04.2019
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Title:Attitudes toward pornographic content in adolescents and their parents
Research shows that due to the vastness of the Internet, children and adolescents are increasingly exposed to pornographic content at a young age either unintentionally or intentionally, but they rarely discuss this with adults. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to examine the characteristics of unintentional and intentional exposure to pornographic content, the attitude towards pornographic content and the characteristics of conversations regarding pornographic content with Slovenian adolescents, aged from 11 to 15, and their parents. 302 participants were involved: 138 pairs of adolescents and their parents, and nine adolescents and 17 parents with no pair. For the purposes of this study we have developed three questionnaires, all for adolescents and parents: The Exposure to Pornographic Content Questionnaire, The Attitude Towards Pornographic Content Questionnaire and The Conversation About Pornographic Content Questionnaire. In addition, the participants filled out a brief demographic questionnaire. The results show a high percentage of Slovenian adolescents who have been unintentionally and/or intentionally exposed to pornographic content in the past six months. Most adolescents were exposed to pornographic content online, with the most common age of first contact being 10 years. Most parents correctly assessed the frequency of their adolescent’s unintentional exposure and 39% also correctly assessed the frequency of intentional exposure. We established that Slovenian adolescents and their parents had a predominantly neutral attitude towards pornographic content, and most of them were willing to discuss it. More than half of the parents have already discussed pornographic content with their adolescents, while the adolescents have mostly discussed the content with their peers and often also with their parents. This research is one of the first in Slovenia that offers a thorough examination and understanding of the exposure, attitude towards and conversations regarding pornographic content with adolescents and their parents. It also raises awareness about the importance of preventative discussion about pornographic content.

Keywords:adolescents, parents, pornography, attitudes, conversation

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