
Zaščita žvižgačev v mednarodnih organizacijah
ID Trček, Nina (Author), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Žvižgaštvo kot prijava nepravilnosti znotraj entitet se pojavlja tudi v mednarodnih organizacijah. Čeprav je ta problematika bolje urejena v nacionalnih zakonodajah držav, tako tistih z anglosaškim kot tudi tistih s kontinentalnim pravnim sistemom, so tudi mednarodne organizacije, zaradi pritiskov javnosti in držav članic ter nujnosti zaščite svojega ugleda, začele urejati to področje za svoje zaposlene. Navedeno je dandanes še posebej pomembno, saj veliko mednarodnih organizacij svetuje državam, kako postopati pri zaščiti žvižgačev in tudi sicer v boju proti korupciji, goljufijam in drugim nezakonitim aktivnostim. Do ureditve zaščite za mednarodne javne uslužbence je prišlo relativno pozno in na podlagi škandalov, ki so javnosti razkrili pomanjkanje učinkovite regulacije na tem področju. Pri tem so imele mednarodne organizacije, kot samostojni subjekti mednarodnega prava, proste roke in upravičeno se lahko pojavlja dvom, ali so ureditve res ustrezne glede na edinstvenost položaja mednarodnih javnih uslužbencev in omejitve, ki so s tem povezane. To magistrsko diplomsko delo se dotakne ureditev v nekaterih mednarodnih organizacijah, med drugim tudi v Evropski uniji, in ugotavlja, kako so te zaščitile svoje zaposlene. Ker so faze zaščite žvižgaštva, tj. predhodna preiskava, preiskava, ugotavljanje obstoja povračilnih ukrepov, priporočila glede disciplinskih ukrepov in njihova morebitna uvedba, centralizirane v administracijah teh organizacij, so upoštevana tudi procesna vprašanja. Ta zajemajo različne modalitete, ki lahko bistveno vplivajo na zaščito žvižgačev, kot je npr. določitev odgovornih organov, postavitev rokov in možnost nadzora nad odločitvami. Glede na izkušnje iz mednarodne sodne prakse in odsotnost ureditve nekaterih bistvenih vprašanj v notranjih pravilih mednarodnih organizacij, se to delo v zaključku osredotoči na področja izboljšanja, ki bi pripomogla k večji zaščiti žvižgačev in posredno tudi k spodbujanju zaposlenih k prijavi nepravilnosti.

Keywords:žvižgaštvo, žvižgač, mednarodni javni uslužbenci, mednarodne organizacije, Evropska unija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107443 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16776273 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Whistleblower Protection in International Organisations
Whistleblowing as reporting of misconduct inside the entities is also present in international organisations. Although more attention may be paid to the issue of whistleblowing in national legislations, both in the common law and civil law countries, international organisations have also commenced to regulate this question for their own employees, given the pressures from the public and their Member countries, as well as the necessity to safeguard their reputation. The latter is nowadays specifically relevant, since many international organisations advise countries on how to deal with whistleblower protection and fight against corruption, fraud and other illegal activities in general. Provisions relating to whistleblowing have been developed relatively late and due to scandals, which increased awareness of the public about the lack of relevant policies. International organisations remained free in doing so and quite legitimately there is some doubt as to whether these arrangements are adequate given the specific status of international civil servants and the related limitations. This master thesis touches on the regulation of whistleblowing in some international organisations, including the European Union, and observes how they protected their employees. As the phases of protection against retaliation, i.e. the prima facie review, the investigation, the determination of retaliation measures, the recommendations on the disciplinary measures and their possible implementation, are centralised in the administrations of these organisations, questions concerning the process are also taken into account. These include different modalities, which can substantially affect the protection of whistleblowers, such as the appointment of responsible offices, the establishment of time frames and the possibility of control over the relevant decisions. Based on the previous experiences in case-law of international tribunals, complemented by the absence of regulations in the internal rules of international organisations with regards to certain issues, this master thesis concludes by focusing on the areas of improvement, which would help to increase protection of whistleblowers and indirectly encourage employees to report misconduct.

Keywords:whistleblowing, whistleblower, international civil servants, international organisations, European Union

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