
TRK PRAVNIH KULTUR Soočenje islamske in evropske pravne kulture na primeru pravic žensk
ID Stojmenović, Ljubica (Author), ID Novak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vsa zgodovina je prepredena s spopadi oziroma trki, mešanji, preoblikovanji in spreminjanji različnih religij in kultur. Prve civilizacije v zgodovini sprva niso bile moderne, temveč so na svoj način omogočale obstoj vseh pomembnih institucij, ki so takrat obstajale za blaginjo človeštva in naslednjih rodov. Evropa kot zibelka zahodne civilizacije je v zgodovini prestala burne demografske spremembe – na eni strani so potekali procesi odseljevanja in staranja prebivalstva oziroma upada rodnosti, na drugi strani pa proces priseljevanja prebivalcev iz islamskih držav zaradi vojn na Bližnjem vzhodu. V zahodni civilizaciji je prišlo in še vedno prihaja do demografskih sprememb, ki zahtevajo korenite prilagoditve državnih institucij zaradi lažje integracije priseljencev v okviru evropskega pravnega reda, pri čemer je treba biti pozoren na ohranitev že ustaljenih in veljavnih človekovih pravic v zahodni civilizaciji. Evropska civilizacija uživa visoko raven blaginje in varnosti, socialne kohezije, zaščite okolja, solidarnosti in pravičnosti, kar vse skupaj omogoča uresničevanje temeljnih človekovih pravic. Evropska civilizacija je zibelka načela enakopravnosti med spoloma. Pred zakonom so ženske enako varovane kot moški in tudi enako obravnavane v vsaki celici evropske družbe. Islamska pravna kultura nima enakega izročila kot evropska pravna kultura. V slednji so namreč ženske v razmerju do moških postavljene v podrejen položaj. Koran tak podrejeni in neenakopravni položaj žensk legitimira. Priseljevanje močno vpliva na razvoj evropske družbe. Postopoma se nam postavlja vprašanje, ali bomo Evropejci izgubili svoje temeljne vrednote in ali jih bomo morali spreminjati zato, ker te ne ustrezajo islamskim priseljencem. Ali bomo morali spremeniti svoj način življenja in navade, pravila ter zakone zaradi boljše integracije pripadnikov islamske kulture v zahodni civilizaciji. Ohranitev vrednot, ki jih imamo danes v Evropi, bo v prihodnosti velik izziv.

Keywords:civilizacija, univerzalna civilizacija, kultura dvoumnosti, sekularnost, sekularizacija, šeriatsko pravo, pravice žensk, sodobni islam, islamski feminizem, Koran, burka, migrantska kriza, idžma, kijas, trk kultur, diskriminacija, asimilacija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107442 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16778577 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Collision of legal cultures. Facing the Islamic and European law culture as it is shown by the example of womans rights
Throughout history, various religions and cultures have fought each other, mixed, developed and changed. The emergence of the first civilisations shows that these initially were not as modern as we know them today, but that in their own ways they enabled the existence of all the important institutions organised for the benefit of humankind. As the cradle of Western civilisation, Europe has undergone turbulent demographic changes: on the one hand, migration and the ageing of the European population or a decline in birth rate, and on the other hand, Muslim population growth due to war in the Middle East. Demographic changes have occurred and are still underway in Western civilisation which require substantial changes in state institutions in order to facilitate the integration of migrants within the framework of the European legal order and simultaneously maintain established human rights in Western civilisation. European civilisation is based on a high level of welfare and security, social cohesion, environmental protection, a high level of solidarity and justice, and provides foundations for realising fundamental human rights. European civilisation is the home of the principle of gender equality between women and men. Women and men are protected equally before the law and treated equally in every aspect of European society. Islamic legal culture does not share the ideology of European legal culture, but puts women in an inferior position to men and legalises the subordinate and unequal status of women in accordance with the Quran. Migration has a great impact on the development of European society. A question is being gradually raised about whether Europeans will lose their fundamental values or will have to change them because they are not in accord with Islamic concepts. Will we have to change our way of life and introduce new habits, rules and laws in order to facilitate the integration of Muslims into Western civilisation? Preserving European values will pose a great challenge in the future.

Keywords:Civilisation, universal civilisation, culture of ambiguity, secularism, secularisation, Sharia law, women’s rights, modern Islam, Islamic feminism, Quran, burqa, migrant crisis, Ijma, Qiyas, collision of cultures, discrimination, assimilation.

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