
Optimizacija večgnezdnega orodja za tlačno litje diskastih aluminijastih izdelkov
ID Prijanovič, Klemen (Author), ID Klemenc, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mrvar, Primož (Comentor)

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Cilj magistrske naloge je bil skonstruirati štirignezdno orodje za novo generacijo ulitka v obliki diska. Pri tlačnem litju naj bi dosegli čim manjšo stopnjo plinske poroznosti zaradi zajete atmosfere livne votline. Pri konstruiranju smo si pomagali s programom Creo, v katerem smo 3D modelirali, in s programoma Magmasoft in ProCast, s katerima smo izvajali simulacije litja. Najprej smo analizirali in simulirali staro generacijo ulitka, da smo preverili, ali se simulacije ujemajo z realnim stanjem. Nato smo izvedli simulacije na enognezdnem orodju z različnimi postavitvami prelivov. Z rezultati teh simulacij smo dobili optimalno postavitev prelivov za takšno orodje, ki smo jo nato uporabili pri simulacijah na štirignezdnem orodju. Z dodatnimi simulacijami smo dobili optimalno postavitev prelivov za to orodje, pri kateri s simulacijami nismo zaznali kritične plinske poroznosti. Na podlagi končne geometrije ulitka smo nato določili še tehnološke parametre in v primeru odstopanj od priporočljivih vrednosti iterativno spreminjali geometrijo orodja, dokler nismo dobili orodja, ki z vidika simulacij in tehnoloških parametrov ustreza zahtevam.

Keywords:tlačno litje aluminija, plinska poroznost, konstruiranje orodja, tlačno litje, prelivi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Prijanovič]
Number of pages:XXIV, 88 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107372 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16561435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.04.2019
PRIJANOVIČ, Klemen, 2019, Optimizacija večgnezdnega orodja za tlačno litje diskastih aluminijastih izdelkov [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : K. Prijanovič. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Optimisation of a multi-nest die-casting tool for disk-like aluminium products
The objective of the M.Sc. thesis was to develop a four cavity tool for a new generation of a disc-shaped casted part. Gas porosity because of air entrapment in casted parts should be as small as possible. For 3D modeling Creo software was used and die-casting simulations were performed using Magmasoft and ProCast software. An old generation of the disc-shaped casted part was analysed first to check if simulation porosity matches with porosity in reality. Then the simulations for a single-cavity tool with different overflow layouts were conducted. With results of these simulations an optimal overflow layout for this tool was set-up, which was then used for simulations of the four-cavity tool. With additional simulations optimal overflow layout for this tool was obtained and thus the final geometry of the casted part was defined. Based on final geometry technological parameters were calculated and tool geometry was iteratively changed in case of deviations from the recommended values of technological parameters, until the suitable tool was obtained from the standpoint of simulations and technological parameters.

Keywords:aluminium high pressure die casting, gas porosity, machine-tool design, die-casting, overflows

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