
Zdravstvena nega žensk z genitalnimi bradavicami : diplomsko delo
ID Brglez, Anja (Author), ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Genitalne bradavice povzročajo spremembe kože na genitalnem in analnem predelu, občasno tudi v ustih. V redkih primerih lahko povzročijo bolečino, srbenje, pekoč občutek, razdraženje preko spodnjega perila ali krvavenje, a običajno ne povzročajo hujših fizičnih vplivov na zdravje. Predstavljajo pa zelo velik psihološki stres in težave pri spolnem življenju ter v ljubezenskih razmerjih. Namen: Proučili smo nastanek, širjenje in preprečevanje genitalnih bradavic pri ženskah. Zanimale so nas tudi psihosocialne posledice okužbe in vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi žensk z genitalnimi bradavicami. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature v angleškem jeziku. Preko digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani smo uporabili podatkovne baze CINAHL, Medline in Science Direct. Iskanje smo razširili z raziskovanjem relevantne literature z iskalnikom Google Scholar. Članki so bili objavljeni med letoma 2008 in 2018. Rezultati: Nastanek genitalnih bradavic se lahko prepreči s cepljenjem, zaščitenimi spolnimi odnosi in manjšem številu spolnih partnerjev. V primeru pojava genitalnih bradavic obstaja tudi možnost manj poznanega komplementarnega zdravljenja z zelenim čajem, imunoterapijo, pidotimodom, vitaminom C in kalijevim hidroksidom. Velik pomen pri preventivi in obravnavi žensk z genitalnimi bradavicami pa ima medicinska sestra. Z njeno pomočjo se lahko zmanjšata pojavnost in stigmatizacija ter posledično izboljša psihosocialno stanje žensk. Razprava in sklep: Najpomembnejša je preventiva, to pomeni izogibanje večjemu številu spolnih partnerjev, analnim in nezaščitenim spolnim odnosom. Medicinska sestra lahko veliko prispeva pri promoviranju cepljenja proti humanem papilomavirusu, s širjenjem informacij, svetovanjem o rednih ginekoloških pregledih, poznavanjem genitalnih bradavic in empatičnim odnosom do žensk s to spolno prenosljivo boleznijo. Pomembno je, da pozna tudi komplementarne oblike zdravljenja ter ženskam svetuje in nadzira zdravljenje.

Keywords:genitalne bradavice, prenos, preventiva, komplementarne metode, kakovost življenja, zdravstvena nega
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107355 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5599595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Nursing care of a women with genital warts : diploma work
Introduction: Genital warts cause skin changes in the genital and anal area, occasionally in the mouth. In rare cases, they can cause pain, itching, burning sensation, irritation through underwear, or bleeding, but do not have major physical health effects. They present very great psychological stress and problems with sex life and love relationships. Purpose: We have studied the emergence, spread and prevention of genital warts in women. We were also interested in the psychosocial consequences of the infection and the role of the nurse in treating women with genital warts. Methods: We used a descriptive method of work with a review of scientific and technical literature in English. Through the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana we used CINAHL, Medline and Science Direct databases. We also expanded our search by searching for relevant literature with the Google Scholar Search Engine. The articles are published in the period from 2008 to 2018. Results: Genital warts can be prevented by vaccination, protected sex and fewer sex partners. In the event of genital warts, there is also the possibility of less known complementary treatment with green tea, immunotherapy, pidotimod, vitamin C and potassium hydroxide. A nurse has great importance in preventing and treating women with genital warts. With its help, incidence and stigmatization can be reduced and consequently the psycho-social status of women improved. Discussion and conclusion: Prevention is the most important, which means avoiding a large number of sexual partners, anal and unprotected sexual intercourse. A nurse can contribute greatly in promoting vaccination against human papillomavirus, disseminating information, advising on regular gynecological examinations, knowing genital warts and empathic treatment of women with this sexually transmitted disease. It is important that she also knows complementary forms of treatment and provides women with advice and control during treatment.

Keywords:genital warts, transmission, prevention, complementary methods, quality of life, nursing

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