The knowledge of the folk songs is very important to all humans, because that way we can discover and better understand the life from the past. Folk songs have been created througout the whole history. The most important feature about them is singing, but in order to keep them for the new generations, it is also impotrant to write them down. Folk songs bring people together, and that we can seen at different occations in life – the songa live in the human comunity. There are a lot of collections with folk songs, but a very important expert on that area is Karel Štrekelj, because he gathered together a lot of slovenian folk songs with the help of other collectors. The characteristic of his collection Slovenske narodne pesmi (1895–1911) is the authenicity of the songs, since he kept them in the original form, as they were sung, recitated. That was the reason why I wanted to know, if the Karel Štrekelj is mentioned in the slovenian class in primary school, how do the pupils accept the songs from his collection, and how we can see their creativity in preformative activity after the interpretation of those songs.
The creativity enables kids to have a different picture of the world around them, because they are more free and open minded. They also develop cognitive abilities durring the creative process. The teachers also have a very important role in the development of creativity. In the theoretical part of the masters thetis I have defined folk and author songs and their characteristics, presented a few definitioins of the youth literature and the types of slovenian youth poetry. I analyzed Karel Štrekelj and the section from his collection and then compared it to another collection of folk songs Enci benci na kamenci (1–4) (1990–2018), from the author Roman Gašperin. I presented the cerative and preformative acivitzy and the role of the teacher in the developmement of the pupils creativity. I choose third grade class for my research, because the pupils from this class have already learned about the folk songs and were introduced with the terms, connected to them. In the 2,5 zears in school they also already had to show some creativity, that they could use in the preformative activity. I made a survey, for the needs of the action research, first at the beggining of the research, and also at the end, so see the results of the months of work. I discovered that it is very important to plan ahead, and to set certain goals, that we want to reach. Big emphasis is also on repeating, and that helps pupils to learn and memorise more of the learning material. I can confirm, that in order to have a better team work, it is very important, what kind of atmosphere we have in the class, and also how we form the groups. The groups had to be heterogeneous, because I found out that the kids like to help eachother and to express opinions. It is also very important, that the teacher chooses the right tasks for the final effect. The tasks have to be motivating, interesting, creative and a little demanding too, they have to encourage thinking, because it alows the pupils to develop their congintive abilitys.