
Izboljšanje delovanja senzorskega sistema na avtomatski varilni liniji
ID Krnc, Matej (Author), ID Agrež, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Povod za diplomsko delo in reševanje problematike je uvedba TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) na delovišču. S pomočjo TPM sem zbral vse napake na stroju, ter tako interpretiral odstotek napak, ki so se pojavljale na senzorjih. V diplomskem delu sem opisal težave ter vzroke napak senzorskega sistema na avtomatski varilni mizi, kjer senzorski sistem zajema dva sklopa senzorjev. Senzorska sklopa sta izpostavljena visokim temperaturam, ki jih povzroča varilni izvor. V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem potrdil domnevne težave z meritvami temperature na samem stroju, nadaljeval pa sem s teoretičnimi rešitvami najdenega problema. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela sem s pomočjo meritev ter specifikacij dobavljivih senzorjev izbral najbolj ekonomično rešitev. Tako sem zagotovil boljše delovanje samega stroja, z manj zastoji in posledično boljšim izkoristkom. Na koncu sem podal tudi realizacijo nadgradnje varilnega orodja, kjer sem namestil nov senzorski sistem, ki omogoča, da se senzorji ne pregrevajo, kar jim omogoča daljšo življenjsko dobo.

Keywords:TPM, delovišče, senzor, varjenje, temperatura, robot, senzorski signal, priključek senzorja, odstotek okvar, stroški, prihranek, predelava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107109 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Improving the operation of the sensor system on an automatic welding line
The thesis for my diploma is the introduction of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) at the site for solving problems. Using TPM, I collected all the errors on the machine, thus interpreting the percentage of errors that occurred on the sensors. In my diploma I have described problems and causes of the sensor system error on the automatic welding table, where the sensor system covers two sets of sensors. Sensor assemblies are exposed to high temperatures caused by the welding source. In the first part of the thesis, I confirmed the alleged problems with temperature measurements on the machine itself, and I continued with theoretical solutions to the problem. In the continuation of the thesis I selected the most economical solution with the help of measurements and specification of supply sensors. Therefore, I have guaranteed better operation of the machine itself, with less congestion and, consequently, better efficiency. In the end, I also provided the realization of the over-construction of a welding tool, where I installed a new sensor system, which allows the sensors to not overheat, which allows them a longer lifetime.

Keywords:TPM, site, sensor, welding, temperature, robot, sensor signal, sensor connection, percentage of failures, cost, saving, processing

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