
In-situ sinteza nanodelcev ZnO na bombažni tkanini z reducentom ekstrahiranim iz avokadove koščice
ID Marčič, Tina (Author), ID Gorjanc, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali se lahko ekstrakt avokadove koščice uporabi kot naravni reducent za in-situ sintezo nanodelcev cinkovega oksida (ZnO) na bombažni tkanini za dosego dobre zaščite pred ultravijoličnim (UV) sevanjem. Zato je bil preučevan vpliv koncentracije prekurzorja (cinkov klorid (ZnCl2)), vrstni red obdelave bombažne tkanine s prekurzorjem in reducentom ter temperature sinteze. Na UV/VIS spektrofotometru je bil vzorcem določen UV zaščitni faktor (UZF), na refleksijskem spektrofotometru pa barva vzorcev v barvnem prostoru CIELAB. Morfologija vlaken oziroma sintetiziranih nanodelcev na vlaknih je bila proučevana z vrstično elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM). Vzorcem je bila izmerjena barva in določen UZF tudi po petkratnem gospodinjskem pranju. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je temperatura in-situ sinteze pomembna, in sicer so imeli vzorci višje UZF vrednosti, če so bili obdelani pri sobni temperaturi kot pri 60 °C. Na oblikovanje nanodelcev in UZF vrednosti vplivata tudi vrstni red obdelave tkanine s prekurzorjem in reducentom ter molarna koncentracija prekurzorja. Višje vrednosti UZF so imeli vzorci, kjer je bila uporabljena 1 M raztopina ZnCl2, kot pa 0,5 M. V primeru, kjer je in-situ sinteza potekala tako, da je bil vzorec najprej obdelan v prekurzorju in nato v reducentu, je vzorec izkazal najvišjo zaščito pred UV sevanjem (dobra UV zaščita). Vzorec ni bil med najtemnejšimi, torej barva ni bila tista, ki je vplivala na UZF, ampak številni nanodelci Zn, ki so se oblikovali na površini bombažnih vlaken, kar je bilo razvidno tudi iz SEM analize. Vrstni red obdelave tkanine, kjer se je tkanino najprej obdelalo v reducentu in nato v prekurzorju, je dal najslabše rezultate UZF. Iz SEM analize je razvidno, da so se na vlaknih oblikovali nanodelci ZnO, vendar očitno ne v zadostni količini, da bi tako obdelana tkanina zagotovila zaščito pred UV sevanjem. Po pranju se nekaterim vzorcem zviša UZF, kar je presenetljivo. Predvideva se, da so nanodelci pri pranju migrirali iz notranjosti vlaken na njihovo površino in s tem zvišal UZF.

Keywords:Ključne besede: nanodelci, cinkov oksid, zelena sinteza, ekstrakt, avokadova koščica.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106887 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2019
MARČIČ, Tina, 2019, In-situ sinteza nanodelcev ZnO na bombažni tkanini z reducentom ekstrahiranim iz avokadove koščice [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:In-situ synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles on cotton fabric with reducing agent extracted from avocado pit
The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis was to determine whether the avocado pit extract can be used as a natural reducing agent for in-situ synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) on cotton fabric and whether good protection against ultraviolet (UV) radium can be achieved. For this purpose, the molar concentration of the precursor (zinc chloride (ZnCl2)), the order of treatment of the cotton fabric with the precursor and reducing agent, and the temperature of the synthesis were studied. On the UV/VIS spectrophotometer, the sample was determined by the UV protection factor (UZF) and the color of the samples (CIELAB) on the reflection spectrophotometer. The morphology of fibers or synthesized nanoparticles on fibers was studied by linear electron microscopy (SEM). The samples were measured in color and were determined by UZF after a five-time household wash. The results of the study showed that the in-situ synthesis temperature was important and samples had higher (UZF) values if they were treated at the room temperature than at 60 °C. The order of processing of the fabric with the precursor and reducing agent and the molar concentration of the precursor were also influenced by the formation of nanoparticles and UZF values. Higher values of UZF had samples where 1 M ZnCl2 solution was used than 0.5 M. In the case where the in-situ synthesis was carried out in such a way that the sample was first treated in the precursor and then in the reducing agent, the sample showed the highest protection against UV radiation (good UV protection). The sample was not among the darkest, so the color was not the one that affected the UZF but the numerous nanoparticles of Zn formed on the surface of the cotton fibers, which was also evident from the SEM analysis. The order of processing of the fabric where the fabric was, first, treated in the reducing agent and then in the precursor gave the worst results of the UZF. From the SEM analysis, it can be seen that ZnO nanoparticles were formed on the fibers, but apparently not in sufficient quantity for the treated fabric to provide protection against UV radiation. After washing, some patterns increase UZF, which is surprising. It is anticipated that the nanoparticles migrated to the surface of the fibers by washing and, therefore, increased the UZF.

Keywords:Keywords: nanoparticles, zinc oxide, green synthesis, extract, avocado pit.

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