
Varstvo otrokovih koristi po Družinskem zakoniku
ID Ivanović, Neja (Author), ID Novak, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Otroci so najranljivejši člen naše družbe, zato je pomembno, da je zaščita njihovih pravic in koristi primarna skrb slovenske zakonodaje. Dokler otrokove pravice in obveznosti ne pridejo navzkriž s pravicami in obveznostmi drugih, država v razmerje ne sme poseči. Ker je na žalost konfliktov v družinskih razmerjih veliko, je država vedno znova postavljena v položaj, ko mora pretehtati, kako priti do sorazmerja med otrokovimi pravicami in obveznosti ter pravicami in obveznostmi drugih. Pravni standard otrokove koristi je tukaj ključnega pomena, saj nam predstavlja cilj, h kateremu stremimo, ko se konflikt pojavi. Magistrsko delo predstavlja, kako sta otrok in varstvo njegovih koristi urejena v novi ureditvi ukrepov otrokovih koristi, ki je bila sprejeta v Družinskem zakoniku 15. aprila 2017. Družinski zakonik bo v veljavo stopil 15. aprila 2019 ter nadomestil Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih, ki je že klical po bolj posodobljenih ureditvah na družinskem področju. Pred sprejetjem so se razmerja urejala v pravdnih, nepravdnih in upravnih postopkih, le ta porazdeljenost pa je včasih imela za posledico, da otrokove koristi niso bile najbolj učinkovito zaščitene. Sprejetje Družinskega zakonika je zaradi prejšnje, razpršene ureditve močno dobrodošlo, saj smo dobili urejeno, enotno in sistematično zakonodajo na področju ukrepov varstva koristi otrok.

Keywords:Otrok, otrokova korist, starševska skrb, ukrepi za varstvo otrokovih koristi, Družinski zakonik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106804 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16659793 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Protection of children interests in the Family Code
Children are the most vulnerable part of our society. Therefore, it is important that the primary concern of Slovenian legislation is the protection of their rights and interests. If children's rights and obligations do not clash with those of others, the state cannot interfere. However, because there are many conflicts in family relations, the state needs to consider and establish a balance between children's rights and obligations and the rights and obligations of others. The legal standard of children's interests is of key importance here, because it represents the goal towards which we strive when the conflict occurs. The thesis presents how children and the protection of their interests are regulated in the new arrangement of measures for the protection of children’s interests that was accepted in the Family Code on April 15th 2017. The Family Code will become effective on April 15th 2019 and will replace the Marriage and Family Relations Act which already strived towards modernised arrangements in the family sphere. However, before the passing of the new law, relations were arranged in litigation, contentious and administrative proceedings. As a result, children’s interests were not always effectively protected. The passing of the Family Code shows improvement in comparison to the previously sprawling arrangement, because we now have an ordered, unified and systematic legislation concerning measures for the protection of children’s interests.

Keywords:Child, child’s interest, parental care, measures for the protection of children’s interests, Family Code

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