
Izvedba sistema za vodenje pomikov pri lesnoobdelovalnih strojih
ID Okorn, Anže (Author), ID Mušič, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rdeča nit diplomske naloge je povezovanje različnih znamk servomotorja, servoregulatorja in programirljivega logičnega krmilnika (PLK) v celoto, namenjeno pozicioniranju osi. Povod za preverjanje združljivosti teh komponent sem dobil v podjetju Tibo d. o. o., kjer se vsakodnevno spopadamo z odpovedjo katere od teh komponent. Ker so stroji večinoma starejšega letnika, identičnih rezervnih delov na trgu praktično več ni, tako da smo primorani rešitve iskati drugje. Na voljo sem imel znamke Yaskava (motor), Emerson (regulator) in Beckhoff (PLK, grafični vmesnik), s katerimi se v podjetju pogosto srečujemo. Povezavo teh komponent sem izvedel do te mere, da lahko os ročno ali avtomatsko pomikam na točno določeno pozicijo. Izdelal sem tudi svoj program PLK v programskem okolju TwinCAT 3, ki skrbi za pravilno izvajaje vseh funkcij v sistemu. Za prikazovanje in določanje avtomatskega pomikanja sem pripravil grafični vmesnik, na katerem lahko odčitavamo pozicijo osi oziroma jo pošiljamo drugam z vpisovanjem mere v vpisovalno okno. Za konec sem sistem, ki prvotno deluje z analognim pozicioniranjem osi (+/– 10 V), nadgradil na digitalnega, ki poteka prek protokola EtherCAT. Predstavil sem končna opažanja obeh vrst pozicioniranja.

Keywords:pozicioniranje osi, servoregulator, programirljivi logični krmilnik, analogno in digitalno krmiljenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106525 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Motion control system implementation for woodworking machines
The main theme of this graduation thesis represents a connection of different types of servomotor, servo drive and programmable logic controllers (PLC) into a whole, intended for positioning the axis. I got the reason for checking the compatibility of these components at company Tibo d. o. o. We are there daily faced with the failure of one of these components. Because the machines that we are faced up are mostly very old, on the market we almost never get identical spare parts so we are forced up to look for solutions elsewhere. I choose the brands Yaskava (motor), Emerson (servo drive) and Beckhoff (PLC, graphic interface), which we often meet in the company. The connection between these components has been established to the level where the axis can be moved manually or automatically to exact position. I also created my own PLC program in TwinCAT 3 programming environment, which provides the correct execution of all function in the system. To display and determine automatic positioning, I have created a graphical interface where the axis can be read and a new position can be set by typing a measure into a window. For the end I have upgraded the system, which initially operates with the analog positioning of the axis (+/- 10 V) to digital positioning via EtherCAT protocol. I presented the final observations of both types of positioning.

Keywords:axis positioning, servo drive, programmable logic controller, analog and digital control

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