
Simbolistično gibanje na Finskem okrog 1900 / Simbolistični akvareli na papirju
ID Laine, Merja Hannele (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zgonik, Nadja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu raziskujem slikarstvo simbolizma na Finskem okrog leta 1900. Obravnavam glavne koncepte in teorije simbolizma na splošno ter izpostavim slikarje, katerih dela so nastala pod temi vplivi. Predstavim začetke teorije simbolizma, ki izhajajo iz filozofije Platona, Plotina in Emanuela Swedenborga, ki sta jih pozneje Charles Baudelaire in Jean Moréas razvila v literarno teorijo. Te zamisli so se prenesle tudi v vizualno umetnost kot sintetizem v delih Paula Gauguina in njegovih sodobnikov. Govorim tudi o tem, kako je bil simbolizem sprejet v umetniških krogih na Finskem in pregledam zgodovinske dogodke, ki so vplivali na bistvo simbolizma na Finskem. Raziščem vprašanje nacionalne identitete in njen vpliv na simbolizem na Finskem ter na rojstvo narodne romantike imenovane karelianizem. Kot primer predstavim in analiziram slikarska dela Akseli Gallen-Kallela, za katere je umetnik našel navdih v finskem nacionalnem epu Kalevala. Nato analiziram krizo finske umetnosti in njeno preobrazbo, pri kateri so sodelovali kritiki Sigurd Frostelus, Gustav Strengell in umetniška skupina Septem. Študijo zaključim s predstavitvijo naslednjih umetnikov simbolizma na Finskem, Magnusom Enckellom, Hugom Simbergom in Ellen Thesleff. Predstavim značilnosti njihovega dela v povezavi s simbolizmom.

Keywords:slikarstvo simbolizem misticizem sintetizem karelianizem narodna romantika finska umetnost magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106514 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Symbolism movement in Finland around 1900's / Symbolic watercolor paintings on paper
In this thesis I examine symbolism movement in Finland around 1900. I explore the main concepts and theories of symbolism in general and showcase Finnish painters whose work was influenced by it. I present the premises of theory of symbolism, which originated from Plato’s, Plotinus’s and Emanuel Swedenborg’s philosophies, and then was developed to literary theory by Charles Baudelaire and Jean Moréas. Then it took shape in visual arts as synthetism at the hands of Paul Gauguin and his associates. I address how symbolism was received and look over the historical events that affected the nature of symbolism movement in Finland. I review the question of national identity, in addition to its influence on Finnish symbolism and to the birth of national romanticism, karelianism. As an example I represent and analyze the Kalevala paintings by Akseli Gallen-Kallela. I review the crisis of Finnish art and its reformation by critics Sigurd Frostelus, Gustav Strengell and the artist group Septem. I conclude the study with an introduction of Finnish symbolist artists Magnus Enckell, Hugo Simberg and Ellen Thesleff and outline the main attributes of their art and their connection to symbolism.

Keywords:painting symbolism mysticism synthetism karelianism national romanticism Finnish art MA thesis

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