
Vizualna predstavitev Divaške jame s stereofotografijo
ID Pirjevec, Lara (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil povečanje zaznave običajne jamske fotografije z njeno nadgradnjo na način posredovanja tretje prostorske dimenzije – globine. S tem smo želeli povečati njeno izrazno vrednost, ki bi pozitivno vplivala na gledalca. V delu sta predstavljeni dve področji raziskovanja – jamska fotografija in stereofotografija. Za obe so podana in opredeljena pomembna dejstva, ki jih najdemo v teoretičnem delu. Pri jamski fotografiji je opisana nujna oprema, ki jo fotograf potrebuje pri svojem delu, opisan je način samega dela v jami, podane so še njegove glavne karakteristike, ki jih je treba upoštevati v temnem jamskem okolju. Sledi opredelitev dejstev za stereofotografijo. Podane so njene glavne značilnosti, navedene so vrste in tehnike stereoskopije, pri katerih se delo osredotoča predvsem na anaglifno tehniko, saj je v izbranem kontekstu najprimernejša zaradi svoje enostavnosti izdelave ter cenovne ugodnosti. Opredeljene so še pomembnejše karakteristike stereofotografije in navedeni glavni pogoji za doseganje dobrega prostorskega učinka. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljena zbirka anaglifnih fotografij, posnetih v Divaški jami, ki je bila ustvarjena na podlagi pridobljenih znanj. Tu najdemo opis načina dela, navedena je oprema, ki je bila uporabljena pri praktičnem delu v jami, ter opis postopkov obdelave fotografij in njihove pretvorbe v anaglifne fotografije. Za vse fotografije je na koncu podana tudi likovna analiza. Dokazali smo, da je izdelava jamskih fotografij z večjo izrazno vrednostjo enostavna ter cenovno ugodna. Poleg tega smo Divaško jamo predstaviti širši publiki in omogočiti vpogled vanjo tudi osebam, ki v samo jamo zaradi različnih razlogov nimajo dostopa.

Keywords:jamska fotografija, izpostavljenost, stereofotografija, anaglif, prostor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106452 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Visual presentation of Divača cave with stereophotography
Purpose of the master's tesis was to increase perception of the ordinary cave photography with it's upgrade in a way to show also the third spatial dimension – depth. This way we wanted to increase it's expressive value, which would have positive impact on the viewer. There are two fields of science presented in this thesis – cave photography and stereophotography. All the important facts for both feilds can be found in the theoretical part of the thesis. Cave photography section contains necessary equipment (gear) which photographer needs for his work, description of the work in the cave and important characteristic which photographer has to follow in the dark cave environment. In following there are listed also important facts for stereoscopy, such as it's main charascteristics, different kinds and techniques of stereoscopy, where the thesis focus only on the anaglyph technique, because it's the most adequate for the selected context, because of it's simplicity and the lowest making costs. In this section thesis defines also necessary conditions for acheiving good stereoscopic effect. Based on the gained knowledge we created a collection of anaglyph photographs, shot in Divača cave which are presented in experimental part of the thesis. In this section a reader can find a description of the work in the cave, used equipment and computer image processing for acheiving better art value of the photographs and description of the process of creating anaglyph images. For all photographs there is given also art analysis. The thesis show the simplicity and low costs of creating cave photography with higher expressive value. In addition thesis also presents Divača cave to wider audience and allows easy insight to this cave environment also to people who for some reason don't have the access to the cave.

Keywords:cave photography, exposure, stereophotography, anaglyph, space

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