
Zakonska ureditev in etične dileme pri postopkih oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo : magistrsko delo
ID Ravnikar Uranič, Katja (Author), ID Ivanc, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Glede na svetovno zmanjševanje rodnosti in milijonsko število ljudi, ki se srečujejo z neplodnostjo, je uporaba oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo pomembna rešitev. Neplodnost je problem, ki se pojavlja po vsem svetu, vendar ni enakomerno porazdeljen. Razvoj postopkov OBMP je prinesel veliko pričakovanj in rešitev parom, ki se soočajo z neplodnostjo, hkrati pa tudi veliko dodatnih zakonov in etičnih razprav. OBMP predstavlja novejše medicinsko področje, ki zahteva nenehen razvoj. Pojavilo se je veliko etičnih in družbenih dilem na področju OBMP. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je proučiti, ali je slovenska ureditev na področju oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo skladna z ureditvami drugih držav članic EU. Metode dela: Metodi dela, ki smo ju uporabili v magistrskem delu, sta deskriptivna in primerjalnopravna metoda dela na področju družboslovnih znanosti. Poudarek je bil na metodologiji s področja pravnih znanosti. Pregledali in analizirali smo domačo in tujo literaturo glede oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo, zakonske ureditve in etične dileme na tem področju. Primarni vir so bili zakonski predpisi s področja zdravljenja s postopki OBMP v državah članicah EU, nismo pa proučevali drugih zakonov s področja zdravstvene zakonodaje, da smo lahko primerjali zakonsko ureditev področja zdravljenja s postopki OBMP po kazalnikih zakonodaje. Rezultati: V nekaterih državah članicah EU je področje zdravljenja s postopki OBMP urejeno bodisi s smernicami, navodili, splošnimi zakoni o zdravstveni dejavnosti ali kako drugače. Pregledali smo 28 držav članic EU in kar 27 držav ima to področje zdravljenja zakonsko urejeno. Ker med izbranimi kazalniki slovenske pravne ureditve postopkov OBMP in izbranimi kazalniki pravne ureditve postopkov OBMP v drugih državah članicah EU nismo mogli ugotoviti večjih odstopanj, lahko glavno hipotezo raziskave potrdimo. Razprava in zaključek: V državah članicah EU je zdravljenje neplodnosti z OBMP v večini držav zakonsko urejeno, vendar se zakoni med seboj razlikujejo. Nekateri zakoni so zelo restriktivni oziroma omejevalni (Avstrija, Italija, Nemčija), medtem ko so nekateri zakoni zelo odprti ali liberalni, kot so skandinavske države, ki so del EU. Večina zakonov opredeljuje tudi etične nadzore, saj zdravljenje s postopki OBMP sproža veliko etičnih dilem. Slovenski Zakon o zdravljenju neplodnosti in postopkih oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo je usklajen s Konvencijo Sveta Evrope o človekovih pravicah v zvezi z biomedicino. Zakonske rešitve iz Zakona o zdravljenju neplodnosti in postopkih oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo so v veliki večini primerov enake ali primerljive z zakonskimi rešitvami v drugih državah članicah EU.

Keywords:oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo, zakonska ureditev, etične dileme
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106449 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5587819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Legal regulation and ethical dilemmas in medically assisted reproduction : master thesis
Introduction: The use of medically assisted reproduction is an important solution with regards to the reduction in fertility in the world and millions of people who face infertility. The infertility is a problem which occurs all over the world. However, it is not equally spread. The development of medically assisted reproduction procedures has brought many expectations and solutions to couples who face infertility and many additional laws and ethical discussions at the same time. Medically assisted reproduction represents a new medical field which demands constant development. Purpose: The purpose of the master’s thesis is to study whether Slovenian regulation in the field of medically assisted reproduction is in accordance with the regulations of the other EU members. Methods: The methods of work used in the master’s thesis are the descriptive method and the comparative legal method of work in the field of social sciences. The emphasis was on the methodology from the field of legal sciences. We reviewed and analyzed the domestic and foreign literature regarding the medically assisted reproduction, legal regulations, and ethical dilemmas in the field. Statutory provisions from the field of medical treatment with the medically assisted reproduction procedures in the EU member states were the primary source. We did not study other laws from the field of medical legislation in order to compare the legal regulation of the medical treatment with the medically assisted reproduction procedures according to the indicators of legislation. Results: In some member states of the EU, the field of medical treatment with the medically assisted reproduction procedures is regulated with the directives, instructions, general laws on medical activity or differently. We reviewed all 28 member states of the EU and as many as 27 member states have regulated this field of medical treatment by a statute. When comparing the selected indicators of the Slovenian legal regulation of medically assisted reproduction with the selected indicators of the legal regulation of the medically assisted reproduction in other EU member states, we were not able to identify major deviations. Thus, the main hypothesis of the research can be confirmed. Discussion and conclusion: In the EU member states, the medical treatment of infertility by the medically assisted reproduction is regulated by law in most of the countries. However, the laws are different. Some laws are very restrictive or limiting (Austria, Italy, Germany), while some laws are very open and liberal, such as in those Scandinavian countries which are a part of the EU. Most of the laws also define ethical beliefs because the medical treatment with the medically assisted reproduction procedures triggers many ethical dilemmas. The Slovenian Infertility Treatment and Procedures of Biomedically-assisted Procreation Act is in accordance with the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Legislative solutions, enshrined in the The Infertility Treatment and Procedures of Biomedically-assisted Procreation Act, are identical or very similar to solutions that are part of other EU member states laws.

Keywords:medically assisted reproduction, legal regulation, ethical dilemmas

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