
Dekontaminacija pri veliki kemijski nesreči : diplomsko delo
ID Aščić, Lučka (Author), ID Prestor, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šarc, Lucija (Comentor)

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Uvod: Kemijske nesreče so dogodki, ki zahtevajo posebno strokovno usposobljenost, dobro organizacijo in komunikacijo med prvo prispelimi reševalnimi ekipami. Med prvo prispelimi reševalnimi ekipami so gasilci, nujna medicinska pomoč in policija. Prvo prispele ekipe imajo ključno vlogo. Njihove glavne naloge so izolacija kemijske nesreče, oskrba ponesrečencev in sanacija nesreče. Ker so pri svojem delu izpostavljeni nevarnim snovem, morajo uporabljati osebno varovalno opremo ustrezne zaščitne stopnje. Kadar je predmet kemijske nesreče nevarna snov, ki ima prenosljivostni potencial, je potrebna tudi ustrezna dekontaminacija vseh izpostavljenih, tudi reševalcev. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vrste in načela dekontaminacije ponesrečenih in prvo prispelih reševalcev v kemijski nesreči. Predstaviti osebno varovalno opremo, ki jo prvo prispeli reševalci uporabljajo za posredovanje v kemijskih nesrečah. Opozoriti želimo tudi na nevarnosti, ki so jim prvo prispeli reševalci izpostavljeni, kakšne so lahko posledice izpostavljenosti nevarnim snovem ter opredeliti vlogo prvo prispelih ekip pri reševanju v kemijski nesreči. Metode dela:V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom literature. Diplomsko delo temelji na sistematičnem pregledu strokovne in znanstvene literature v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Članki v angleškem jeziku izhajajo iz znanstvenih baz CINAHL, PubMed, ScienceDirect in Science. Zaradi pomanjkanja literature s področja dekontaminacije prvo prispelih ekip v kemijskih nesrečah, se pri iskanju literature nismo časovno in geografsko omejevali. Za vključitev člankov v diplomsko delo smo kot prvi kriterij uporabili ustreznost naslovov ter vsebinsko skladnost z raziskovalno temo. Zbiranje gradiva je potekalo od decembra 2017 do septembra 2018. Članke smo iskali po bazah COBISS.SI in Dikul. Rezultati: Reševanje v kemijskih nesrečah predstavlja veliko tveganje za zdravje, zato je v takšnih primerih obvezna osebna varovalna oprema z ustrezno stopnjo zaščite. Največja izpostavljenost nevarnim snovem je v vroči coni, kamor imajo dostop le gasilci. Gasilci so tudi tisti, ki izvajajo dekontaminacijo v topli oziroma dekontaminacijski coni. Glavna vloga nujne medicinske pomoči je zdravstvena oskrba poškodovanih in podpora drugim strokovnim reševalnim ekipam. Razprava in zaključek: Prvo prispele ekipe začnejo z izvajanjem aktivnosti reševanja posledic kemijske nesreče. Ob tem so reševalci izpostavljeni nevarnim snovem in možnosti zastrupitve. Najpogostejši znaki oziroma simptomi izpostavljenosti nevarnim kemikalijam v kemijski nesreči so znaki draženja dihal in glavobol. Za zmanjšanje tveganja izpostavljenosti nevarnim snovem je nujna uporaba ustrezne osebne varovalne opreme. Ob zaključku reševalne akcije morajo tudi reševalci opraviti osebno in tehnično dekontaminacijo, s katero se odstranijo nevarne snovi z zaščitne obleke ter reševalnih sredstev in tehnične opreme.

Keywords:kemijska nesreča, osebna varovalna oprema, prvo prispele ekipe, poškodbe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106440 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5587051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.02.2019
AŠČIĆ, Lučka, 2019, Dekontaminacija pri veliki kemijski nesreči : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Decontamination in a chemical incident : diploma work
Introduction: Chemical incidents are events that require special professional qualification, good organization and communication between first rescue teams. Firefighters, emergency medical assistance and the police are among the first rescue teams. First rescue teams play a key role. Their maintasks include isolation of a chemical incident, the medical care of the injured and there mediation of the incident. Due to their exposal to hazardous materials, they are obliged to use personal protective equipment of the appropriate protection level. When the objective of a chemical incident is a hazardous material with a transfer potential, it is also essential to execute appropriate decontamination of all exposed–including rescuers. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to show the types and principles of the decontamination of the injured and the members of first rescue teams in a chemical incident. We will present personal protective equipment used by first rescue teams during their intervention in chemical incidents. We also want to point out the dangers to which first rescue teams are exposed, the consequences of exposure to hazardous materials and the role of first rescue teams during intervention in a chemical incident. Methods: The diploma work is dominated by a literature review. The diploma work is based on a systematic review of professional and scientific literature in Slovene and English. Articles in English are sourced from the scientific bases CINAHL, PubMed, ScienceDirect and Science. Due to the lack of literature in the field of decontamination of the first rescue teams in chemical accidents, we did not limit these arch for literature with time and geography factors. In order to include articles in the diploma work, the first criterion used we resuitable titles of articles and as a second, substantive coherence with the research topic. Collection of material stook place from december 2017 to september 2018. We searched articles via COBISS.SI and Dikul. Results: During intervention in chemical incidents first rescue teams are exposed to a lot of health risks, therefor personal protective equipment with an adequate level of protection is mandatory. The highest exposure to hazardous materials is located in the hot zone which is accessible by firefighters only. Firefighters are also the ones who perform decontamination in a warmor decontamination zone. The main role of emergency medical assistance is health care provided to victims and support to other professional rescue teams. Discussion and resolutions: The first rescue teams are the first to start dealing with the consequences of a chemical incident, during which the rescuers are exposed to hazardous materials and the possibility of poisoning. The most common signs and symptoms of exposure to hazardous materials in a chemical incident are signs of respiratory irritation and headache. In order to reduce the risk of exposure to hazardous materials, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. At the end of the rescue operation, the rescuers also need to carry out personal and technical decontamination, whic heliminates dangerous substances from the protective clothing, rescue equipment and technical equipment.

Keywords:chemical incidents, personal protective equipment, first rescue teams, injuries

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