
Motivacijski dejavniki generacije Y v organizaciji
ID Jeras, Tina (Author), ID Ilič, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Trenutno se na trgu dela, oz. v samih organizacijah, srečuje več različnih generacij hkrati. Prevladujejo predvsem zaposleni, ki pripadajo generacijam baby boom, X in Y. Vsaka od teh ima svoje vrednote, prepričanja in vedenja, ki se, glede na razvoj družbe v zadnjih 60. letih, zelo razlikujejo. Ravno zato so načini, kako hkrati voditi pripadnike več generacij, kako jih motivirati in nagrajevati, da bi bili uspešni in konkurenčni, ter tako ustvariti okolje, privlačno za nove zaposlene, velik izziv za podjetja. V magistrski nalogi sem največ pozornosti posvetila motivacijskim dejavnikom pripadnikov generacije Y. Ta generacija je po mnenju mnogih avtorjev prva do sedaj, ki se izrazito razlikuje od predhodnih. Najprej sem opredelila ključne značilnosti vseh treh generacij, prisotnih na trgu dela, nato povzela izsledke že obstoječih raziskav glede njihovih motivacijskih dejavnikov in na koncu preverila, ali se v tem generacija Y res tako močno razlikuje od ostalih dveh. V empiričnem delu naloge pa sem s pomočjo spletne ankete preverjala, kateri dejavniki najbolj motivirajo pripadnike generacije Y. Ugotovila sem, da imajo pripadniki generacije Y večja pričakovanja glede začetne plače in hitrosti napredovanja, v primerjavi z ostalimi generacijami. Glede pomembnosti ravnovesja med zasebnim in poklicnim življenjem med generacijami ni bilo bistvenih razlik.

Keywords:motivacijski dejavniki, generacije, vrednote, organizacija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106414 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36029789 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Motivational factors of Generation Y in the Organisation
Nowadays several working force generations co-exist on the labour market and in organizations. The majority of employees belong to »Baby boom«, X and Y generations. Each of these three have their own values, beliefs and behaviour, shaped up during the last 60 years of societal development and are therefore quite different. Consequently, the way, how to concomitantly lead, motivate and reward the members of different generations, in order to keep them successful and competitive, and thereby create working conditions attractive to newly employed, represents a big challenge for each organization. According to a number of authors, the Y generation is the first that substantially differs from the previous ones. In my master’s thesis I have first defined key characteristics of all three, currently labour market-prevailing generations, then summarized the results of published studies regarding their motivational factors and finally examined whether in this sense, the Y generation actually substantially differs from the other two, i.e. »Baby boom« and X. In the empirical part of the thesis, I explored, by using internet survey, which are the most motivational factors for the members of the Y generation. I found that they have higher expectations regarding the starting salary and promotion rapidnes than the members of the other two generations. However, interestingly, there was no substantial difference regarding the importance of the work-life balance between the members of all three generations

Keywords:Motivational factors, generations, values, organization.

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