
Projekt organizacije gradnje enodružinske hiše v Trnovem : diplomska naloga
ID Krnc, Simon (Author), ID Kryžanowski, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izhodišče za izdelavo diplomske naloge je izdelana projektna dokumentacija celovite sanacije stanovanjskega objekta v Trnovem. Renovacija obsega izvedbo energijske in protipotresne prenove objekta, izgradnjo nove garaže, izdelavo bivanjskih prostorov v kleti in podstrešju ter celovito prenovo okolice objekta z izdelavo nove jeklene terase in vhoda v objekt. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen moj predlog organizacije gradbišča, način izvedbe gradbenih del in predlog terminskega plana za izvedbo projekta obnove enodružinske hiše na Finžgarjevi ulici. Zaradi obsežnosti prenove so v diplomskem delu z vidika izvedbe del podrobneje opisana tista dela, ki bodo po moji presoji pri renovaciji zahtevala več inženirskega in organizacijskega znanja. Ostala dela so predstavljena in opisana na kratko. Poleg tega je v diplomskem delu predstavljeno obstoječe stanje objekta in garaže na osnovi lastnega vizualnega ogleda s opisom pomanjkljivosti in poškodb. V posebnem poglavju je predstavljeno tudi bodoče stanje objekta. Zaradi pomanjkljivega popisa del v projektni dokumentaciji, ki ni zajemal vseh faz sanacije in izračuna stroška investicije, sem v diplomski nalogi izdelal popravljen popis del z izračunom stroška investicije rekonstrukcije.

Keywords:organizacija gradbišča, gradbena dela, gradbeni proces, celovita sanacija, vizualni pregled objekta, tehnologija gradnje, terminski plan, popis del, stroški
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[S. Krnc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106353 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8693601 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Project of a construction organisation of a family house in Trnovo : graduation thesis
The basis for this graduation thesis was a finished project documentation for a complete reconstruction of an apartment building in Trnovo. The reconstruction includes an energy and anti seismic renovation of the building, the construction of a new garage, the construction of habitable spaces in the basement and the attic, as well as a comprehensive reconstruction of the yard with a construction of a new steel terrace and a new entrance into the building. In this thesis, I present my idea for the organisation of the construction site, the execution method of construction works and a suggestion for a time plan of the execution of a renovation project of a family house on Finžgarjeva street. Due to the size of the renovation, only those works that require more engineering and organisational knowledge are described in detail from an execution point of view. Other works are only briefly presented and described. In addition to this, the graduation thesis also includes a description of the current state of the building and the garage, based on a personal visual tour with a detailed list of insufficiencies and damages. In a separate chapter, a future state of the building is also presented. Due to an inadequate survey of the project documentation that did not include all of the phases of the reconstruction and calculation of costs of the investment, I prepared a revised survey of works with a correct cost calculation of the renovation investment.

Keywords:construction site organisation, construction works, construction process, complete reconstruction, visual examination of a construction, construction technology, time plan, survey of works, costs

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