Introduction:Hip replacement is one of the most common hip surgeries aimed at achieving a stable, well-acting, painless joint, reducing the need for analgesics and improving the quality of life. The hip arthroplasty is the end stage of the surgical procedure in patients with severe forms of arthrosis, and it is also a successful procedure for pain relief and restoration of functional abilities. Physiotherapy is integrated into rehabilitation by surgery.In our graduation thesis we have kept to the guidelines of Orthopedic Clinic in Ljubljana. Similar programs are also recommended by foreign authors.Purpose:The purpose of this graduate thesis is to display an early physiotherapeutic program after embedding the total hip endoprosthesis.Work methods:We have received the necessary information from the medical documentation and on the basis of the patient's interview. The physiotherapeutic evaluation of the patient's condition included: anamnesis, inspection, palpation, measurement of lower limb circumference, metrology and limb length, 10 meter walk test and an evaluation of surgical outcome with the WOMAC scale. On the basis of the data, we identified the patients' problems and defined the goals of physiotherapy. To achieve the goals we used different methods of physiotherapy.Results: We compared the results of the first and the fifth day after surgery. The extent of motion has increased in the direction anteflexion and abduction of 5o. The result of a walking test at 10 meters has been improved for 3 seconds. Also, the score on the 3-point WOMAC ladder has been improved.Conclusion: The goals we set at the beginning of physiotherapeutic treatment have been achieved. The patient was more self-reliant and self-confident. Comparing the results shows that we have designed well and performed physiotherapeutic treatment.