
Procesne predpostavke pri zahtevi sodišča za presojo ustavnosti zakona
ID Šijanec, Gregor (Author), ID Kaučič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sovdat, Jadranka (Comentor)

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Sodišče ima med predlagatelji zahteve za presojo ustavnosti in/ali zakonitosti predpisov posebno mesto. Njegova dolžnost in upravičenje za vložitev zahteve za presojo ustavnosti zakona je določena že v Ustavi Republike Slovenije. V uvodnih poglavjih magistrskega diplomskega dela je predstavljen pomen presoje ustavnosti in zakonitosti predpisov. Kratko so obravnavani predlagatelji zahteve za presojo ustavnosti in zakonitosti predpisov z delitvijo na predlagatelje abstraktne in konkretne presoje ustavnosti in zakonitosti predpisov. Ustrezno je med predlagatelje umeščen položaj sodišča. V nadaljevanju magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava sodišče kot predlagatelja zahteve za presojo ustavnosti zakona. Predstavljeni so temelji sojenja v Republiki Sloveniji, zakaj je sodišče upravičeno le do zahteve za presojo ustavnosti zakona, zahteva, naj sodišče zakon razlaga ustavnoskladno, in postopek vložitve zahteve sodišča za presojo ustavnosti zakona. Glavni del magistrskega diplomskega dela je posvečen procesnim predpostavkam, ki jih mora sodišče izpolniti ob vložitvi zahteve za presojo ustavnosti zakona. Sodišče mora vložiti popolno vlogo, Ustavno sodišče pa mora biti pristojno za presojanje akta. Sodišče mora izkazati, da je prekinilo postopek v konkretnem primeru, v katerem mora pri odločanju uporabiti zakon ali del zakona, za katerega meni, da je protiustaven, ne more pa ga ustavnoskladno razložiti. Iz predstavljenih odločitev Ustavnega sodišča je razvidno, kako je Ustavno sodišče razlagalo te procesne predpostavke.

Keywords:ustavno sodišče, presoja ustavnosti zakona, sodišče, prekinitev postopka, pravovarstvena potreba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106146 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16614225 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Procedural requirements of the court for the constitutionality review of a law
The court has a special status among the applicants for the constitutionality and/or legitimacy review of laws. Its obligation and entitlement to apply for the constitutionality review of laws is established in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. In the introductory chapters of the master's thesis the significance of the constitutionality and legitimacy review of laws is presented. The applicants are discussed apropos the division of the reviews into abstract and concrete. The court’s applicant status is classified accordingly. Afterwards we discuss the court as the applicant for the constitutionality review of laws. The foundations of trying in the Republic of Slovenia are presented, as well as the reasons why the court is entitled only to the constitutionality review of laws. Further on, the demand for the court to interpret laws in accordance with the constitution is discussed, and the procedure for a court to file the constitutionality review of a law is explained. The main part of the thesis focuses on the procedural requirements which need to be met by the court when filing for the constitutionality review of a law. The court must submit a complete application, and the Constitutional Court must have the jurisdiction to assess the act. The court must demonstrate a concrete example of having suspended the proceedings due to the need to apply a law or a part of it which is in its opinion unconstitutional and cannot be explained in compliance with the constitution. From the decisions of the Constitutional Court described in the thesis, it is apparent how the Constitutional Court has explained the procedural requirements.

Keywords:constitutional court, constitutionality review of laws, court, suspension of proceedings, legal protection needs

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