
Obnova nizkonapetostnega elektroenergetskega omrežja Tratnik
ID KRIVEC, DENI (Author), ID Pantoš, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Elektro Primorska d.d. je zavezana k temu, da ima vsak odjemalec nemoteno ter kvalitetno dobavo električne energije. Nizkonapetostno omrežje Tratnik je dotrajano in zastarelo, ter še dodatno poškodovano zaradi posledic žledoloma, zato ne zagotavlja nemotene in kvalitetne dobave elektične energije. V času praktičnega izobraževanja sem v podjetju Elektro Primorska – distribucijska enota Tolmin, dobil nalogo za izdelavo elaborata za rekonstrukcijo nizkonapetostnega omrežja Tratnik. V nalogi je analizirano obstoječe stanje in predvidena rekonstrukcija nizkonapetostnega omrežja. V okviru analize so podani kontrolni izračuni za transformatorsko postajo, s poudarkom na izračunu kratkostičnih tokov na srednjenapetostni in nizkonapetostni strani transformatorja.

Keywords:rekonstrukcija, nizkonapetostno omrežje, transformatorska postaja.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106142 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Renovation of low-voltage electric-power network Tratnik
Elektro Primorska, d.d., is committed to ensuring that every customer has an uninterrupted and quality supply of electricity. Low-voltage network Tratnik is deteriorated and outdated, and additionally damaged due to the consequences of sleet. Therefore it does not ensure an uninterrupted and quality supply of electricity. During the period of practical training, the company Elektro Primorska - distribution division Tolmin assigned me a task to elaborate the reconstruction of the low-voltage network Tratnik. The paper analyses the existing situation and the planned reconstruction of the low-voltage network. As part of the analysis, control calculations for the transformer station are given, with an emphasis on the calculation of short-circuit currents on the medium and low voltage side of the transformer.

Keywords:reconstruction, low-voltage network, transformer station.

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