
Vpliv nakaljevanja in prekrivanja z nizkimi tuneli na pridelek zgodnjih sort krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.)
ID Kokalj, Jože (Author), ID Žnidarčič, Dragan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj naloge je bil analizirati, kakšen vpliv imajo sorta, nakaljevanje in prekrivanje z nizkimi tuneli iz polipropilenskega (PP) prekrivala na rast, razvoj, pridelek in biokemično kakovost zgodnjega krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.). Poljski poskus je bil postavljen na družinski kmetiji v vasi Petelinje (φ = 46° 05′ 41″; λ = 14° 40′ 10″) v okolici Dola pri Ljubljani, na nadmorski višini 268 m. Gomolje smo posadili 16. marca, 2017, izkop pa je bil opravljen čez 78 dni. V poskus smo vključili tri sorte zgodnjega krompirja ('Adora', 'Arrow' in 'Esme'). Polovico gomoljev smo nakaljevali na svetlobi in pri tempearturi od 18 do 20 °C. Poskus je bil zasnovan v obliki naključnih blokov. Vsak blok smo razdelili na polovico, tako, da je bilo pol bloka pokritega s PP prekrivko, druga polovica pa je bila odkrita. Znotraj vsake ponovitve so bile naključno posajene nakaljene in nenakaljene sorte krompirja. Gomolje velikosti od 28 mm do 35 mm smo strojno posadili na medvrstno razdaljo 70 x 35 cm. Med rastjo je bil posevek redno oskrbovan po načelih dobre kmetijske prakse. Nakaljevanje in prekrivanje sta pospešilo vznik za 1,9 do 4,1 dneva. Samo prekrivanje pa je pozitivno vplivalo na število (0,7 do 1 poganjek) in višino stebelnih poganjkov (5 do 6 cm). Skupno imajo vse sorte pokritih rastlin (151200 do 261300 gomoljev/ha) večje število gomoljev kot nepokrite (102200 do 198800 gomoljev/ha). Prav tako so imele vse nakaljene sorte skupno večje število gomoljev od nenakaljenih. Tudi vse sorte pokritih rastlin so, z izjemo sorte 'Arrow', v povprečju imele večji skupni pridelek gomoljev (15 do 20 t/ha) v primerjavi z nepokritimi rastlinami (9,3 do 15 t/ha). Nakaljevanje in prekrivanje ni značilno vplivalo na vsebnost suhe snovi in C vitamina.

Keywords:zgodnji krompir, sorte, nizki tuneli, nakaljevanje, razvoj, pridelek, kakovost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[J. Kokalj]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106127 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9147769 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of chitting and covering on the yield of young potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.)
The aim of our research was to analyse the effect of the variety, tuber sprouting and covering of the crop with low tunnels made by a polypropylene (PP) on a growth, development, yield and biochemical quality of the early potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The field experiment took place on a family farm in village Petelinje (46° 05′ 41″ N, 14° 40′ 10″ E) near Dol pri Ljubljani, on altitude of 268 metres. The potato was planted on March 16, 2017 and harvested 78 days later. In the experiment, three varieties of early potato were included ('Adora', 'Arrow' and 'Esme'). Half of the tubers was sprouted in the light at the temperature of 18 to 20 °C. The experiment was design as random segments on the field. Each of the segments was divided into half, so part was covered by PP overlay and the rest was uncovered. Inside each repetition, sprouted and unsprouted potato tubers were randomly planted. The tubers of a size 28 to 35 millimetres were planted mechanically in a range of 35cm within the rows and 70 cm between the rows. The plants were grown by good agricultural practices. The sprouting and covering of the crop accelerated the emerge of the potato for 1.9 to 4.1 days. The covering had positive effect on the number (0.7 to 1 sprout) and on the height of the stem sprouts (5 to 6 cm). In total, all of the varieties, if covered, had a larger number of tubers as uncovered (151200 to 261300 tubers/ha comparing to 102200 to 198800 tubers/ha, respectively). Similarly, for all varieties, plants from sprouted tubers had a larger number of tubers as unsprouted. The covered plants with the exception of the Arrow had a larger total yield (15 to 20 t/ha) compared to uncovered plants (9,3 to 15 t/ha). The sprouting and coating had no significant effect on dry matter and C-vitamin content.

Keywords:early potatoes, varieties, low tunnels, forcing, development, tubers, yield, quality

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